I Don't Know How To Say No

I think that you should be honest with her. Tell her about your interests and the things and adventures you want to do while traveling. If she is really your friend then she will understand.
That's a tricky one because you don't want to hurt her feelings or ruin a relationship.
However, if she's holding you back from doing what you want to do you need to say something. You pay the money to go travelling - make sure you live it up!
If I was you I would just tell her you want to experience things that maybe she wouldn't feel like doing and that you don't think it would be the kind of trip she would like to go to. I am sure she will understand, and if not, just have a good time anyway!
You know, if a travel buddy of yours is not doing her part, you have every right to tell her so. Your whole travel experience will be ruined with an uncooperative companion. Again, let this be a clear lesson: choose a travel buddy whose sense of adventure and travel habits match yours. Otherwise, it would be a pain in the neck.
I've had an experience like that once. Although our travelling group consisted of about 11 people. Our solution was to go with 10, leaving out the 1 which we all agreed we didn't want to travel with. It's been two years since that trip and he's still salty about it until this day. My advice would be that if you truly care about this girl, just suck it up and do it because at the end of the day all you have is friendship. Alternatively you could add one more person to the group and have him/her accompany your friend when she "doesn't want to get her hair wet" :)
I'd look for the most horrifying travel plans and describe them to her in full color gory details. She'll either be too scared to tag along or change her unadventurous attitude once and for all. Otherwise just be true to her and calmly express your concerns to her and maybe she might change or skip the trip altogether.
Just be brave and honest. You do not have to be cruel about it, but you do not want to make excuses. If you start making excuses now then you will be in even worse trouble. I know it is not easy to tell someone something they do not want to hear.Use the good bad good technique. Hit her with something positive, "I really value our friendship", then the bad news "I do not want to take me with you because I want to get dirty, down in the mud, and you complain about this" then the good "I have a lot of fun doing x with you, how about we do that instead."
In situations like this, it is important to communicate. That may seem very difficult, because we tend to take things poorly and look at criticism as a personal attack. But there are some tricks. Have you told her what you want to accomplish? Tell her you want adventure, to let your hair down and be wild, or whatever is your plan. Say you are looking to really experience things, and you feel like she may not enjoy herself. That is a polite way of making her look at her self and examine the situation. Maybe, too, it would make her act more in line with your plans.
I think it's best to just outright say what you expect from this trip. This is a big deal and i imagine the budget is no joke so you owe it to yourself to make the best out of this trip. If she's opposed to your idea, then i guess you're better off without her. She'll just spoil your trip and that's the last thing you want. It's odd though how she wants to travel but she's not down to some spontaneous adventures, I mean that's the best part of any kinds of travels.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I don't feel very comfortable lying to her, so I guess I am going to have to tell her the truth and be honest.

This was precisely the advice I was about to give you. I mean, I don't know about you, but for me traveling is a big deal, involved money and time available, so I think you are better off doing it with someone who shares your interests.
You have to be brave and forward with her. You have to tell her that although you value your friendship, she is not your favorite traveling buddy. If she's a sane person, she will understand, if she's not, maybe you're better off without her... But I don't see her trying to end the friendship because of something this trivial. I'm betting she will understand.
One of my friends and I have traveled together a couple of times, but I have had some pretty bad experiences with her. She is the type of person that never wants to get her hair wet, if you know what I mean, and that annoys me a bit because I love adventure and she doesn't enjoy it as much as I do.

I don't want to break her heart, but she really wants to travel with me next month, and I really don't want her to. How can I tell her nicely that I don't enjoy traveling with her without upsetting her?

Do you like this friend? Aside from the fact that you travel together? Do you enjoy going out to movies or just staying at home? If you guys are close enough I think she'll understand and when you tell her how you feel I think you should be honest about what you want in your friendship, that you still want to hang out with her but not travel with her.
I don't want to break her heart, but she really wants to travel with me next month, and I really don't want her to. How can I tell her nicely that I don't enjoy traveling with her without upsetting her?

I have had the same problem, but I got over it pretty quick, I let my buddy know how he was and how his actions make for a terrible time. You should be straight forward and let her know what you notice and how it kind of makes the trips boring because she refuses to try not to be too perfect and don't want to get loose sometimes which is OK, especially ona vacation.
This is great. I have the exact same problem, but with my boyfriend. He wants to go everywhere I go, but he is just no fun when we are travelling. He overthinks everything and he is never relaxed when we're on a trip. He worries constantly about everything and what could go wrong and he leaves himself no time to enjoy the moment. I know my trips would be way better without him, but until now, I haven't had any ideas of how I could do it. Now I do.. Thanks.
Okay, I know this is a late post. I do apologize, but I was curious as to how that situation went. Did you nicely tell her that you didn't want her to go? Could you do it? Or did she end up going with you. I know how hard it is tell people no, because you don't want to see your loved ones get hurt. You definitely don't want to be the person hurting the other person. I really hope that you got to have your adventure.
You can talk to her and explain why you like travelling. Always avoid travelling with somebody you don't have common interests with. She must know that you travel because you are adventurous. Don't limit your travel plans because of somebody who don't want to travel. If she is not understanding then consider travelling alone so that you can fulfil your travelling plans.