In Love With A Married Indian Guy

I'm really sorry about what you experienced there. After all, Indians are human beings like everybody else, and human beings can be quite deceptive. This guy was definitely being unfaithful with his wife. I know that you are aware of the situation and now it's is up to you to make sure that you make the right decision. Flirting with or even committing adultery with someone's partner is something that you would not want to happen to you in return.
Hey Lisa first off I want to say you're a very beautiful lady. I just want to share with you about my mother in law who recently traveled to India to meet a guy she met online that she fell in love with. She followed her heart and traveled to India to meet him and had the time of her life. My advice is to do the same. It might be difficult but life is too short to live with regrets. Chow and good luck !
As the title suggests I met a guy from India online and we been in touch on and off for over a year and a half. The guy recently suggested he was interested in me and would like me to visit him in India where he lives with his parents. All good until I landed at New Delhi airport where he came up with a story saying he has too many guests at home so we would have to find a hotel room so we went to a hotel instead of going to his place. Didint seem very odd at the time but as the day progressed I asked him when he be leaving for his home as he had guests but he kept evading my question. I didint dig too much after that as I had my red flag up by that time.

Later on in the evening he made a few advances which were politely turned down but he does not seem to understand or may be its just a cultural thing. I did not feel comfortable having him in my hotel room over night so I asked him to go home and come back in the evening or whatever is convenient so we could go out for a bit.

This was last night so I called up his mobile this morning when I woke up and a female picked up the phone and we had a short conversation which revealed that there are no guests at home and that she was his wife and they also have a kid. I received a few phone calls this morning but didint pick up (he gave me a local number sim card that I have in my phone). I picked up his call about an hour ago and he is sorry about the whole thing and he says he wants to leave his wife and be with me. I dont really want to have anything to do with him any more knowing that he lied to me about him being single.

Now he wants to take me to the Himalayas and a few other places. I am on my own here and I really dont know what I would do for the whole month as that's when my return ticket is for.

I am looking for opinions from Indian people about what to do and is this considered ok to be lying about your maritial status? The guy is a Muslim and he says his religion allows it but I am thinking he he talking out of his arse.

Please suggest what I should do :( Not a happy girl right now.
I don't want to speak to my friends or family about this so I posted here. I don't want to be a laughing stock for the rest of my life. This community seemed to have decent non judgemental people so I joined to see what suggestions I could get.

My query was more about what to do with my time. I just posted what happened to take some weight off my chest thats all. Ive been stressed and didint know who to talk to.

Definitely don't wanna be called names :(

I'm actually glad you posted this thread because maybe it will help someone in the situation or avoid getting into this situation. I don't think anyone is judging you. It is not as if you knew he was married and want to get into a relationship with him, not caring about his wife. As soon as you found out he is married, you cut it off. I think that is the smart thing to do. And remember, no contact means NO CONTACT. No phone calls, emails, texts, facebook friend requests, or messages. Please trust me that the best way to teach him a lesson is to cut off contact completely. That is what men respond to. I hate to also say this, but this might not be the first time he has done this. For all you know there could be several women he is trying to keep as mistresses. He sounds so comfortable and rehearsed with this, he has probably done it before, and he will do it again. PROTECT YOURSELF FIRST and cut off all contact.

I also agree with you about not telling your friends. It is none of their business, and usually people just want something to gossip about anyway. I do hope, however, that a loved one knows where you are so that you can stay safe. Also, always be aware of exactly where your home country's embassy is. If you need a place, check out my thread on Oyo Rooms. I think it's a brilliant app that lets you find certified hotels and places to stay.
What a terrible first experience. I hope that you get a better stay sometime in the future if you ever go again. At least it seems there are plenty of other kind people here that will be happy to give you advice! Sadly, I don't live in India so I can't help out too much. Stay safe! I wouldn't do anything crazy, I would just wait it out until you can go home. Hopefully you have a good internet connection so you can burn time online. :o
I am so so sorry this happened to you. I can so relate to this, but in my case it was a guy from Sri Lanka, who lied to me about him being married. Fortunately, I was not the one who went to his country, but he came to mine. I found out about it when I found him on Google +, since on Facebook he did not have any photos of his wife. I was devastated.
I just feel sorry for you that was stuck in India alone because of his lies. I just hope you had some fun in India after all. At least you visited this wonderful country. Again I am sorry that happened to you.
You're going to have to be careful not everyone can be trsuted. Especially married guys. I mean if a married guy is willing to date another person whole he is married behind his wife's back then he isn't trustworthy in the first place.
Wow, I am sorry the first person who responded was so rude to you! That was very uncalled for.

I am glad everything worked out. You just can never be too careful these days, no matter what country. I hope you can at least have a little fun while on your trip.
No matter what happens, members here are going their way to make your stay a festive season. Stay safe and stay away from that man. Don't dare answer his call or believe his lies again. Enjoy your stay by visiting lots of beautiful places in India. Ready? Enjoy!