Is Anyone Utilizing A Travel Agent?


Is anyone that's planning on traveling to India soon utilizing a travel agent to help with vacation planning? Or are you planning everything yourself? The more I research sights and whatnot in India, the more overwhelmed I start to feel with planning this vacation because I want to see it all! Sometimes I wonder if an agent could help me plan in such a way that we really maximize the time we'll have to stay.
I honestly prefer doing everything myself. I think travel agents oftentimes mark things up (they've got to be making some profit in there somehow, right?!) and I find that researching the best deals myself is satisfying. Plus, the responsibility is solely on me at that point, which means that I'm in control of my travel plans 100% -- which I really enjoy! I'm a fairly seasoned traveller at this point, having been to a number of countries and on lots of long haul flights, so I'm pretty confident with my ability to research and book things myself. The only time I've ever had something go wrong with travel plans was when I went via a travel agent, funnily enough - they didn't leave me enough time between reaching an international airport and going through customs/immigration and then having to catch a domestic flight from the same airport. After they messed that up, I figured from now on I would just do it all myself!
For the most part I prefer to do things myself, too. This is my first international trip, though, and I guess I am just overwhelmed by how much there is to do in India.
I am like Amelia. I prefer to do everything by myself. That way, I can find the best offers on hotels and flights. Travel agencies always tend to take a commission on everything they sell.
That's a good point, Malibu. Planning the trip yourself would save you money because you wouldn't have to pay an agent. I'd been thinking of going through a travel agency to book the trip but I think I may just take that money and invest it into the trip itself.
For the most part I prefer to do things myself, too. This is my first international trip, though, and I guess I am just overwhelmed by how much there is to do in India.

Maybe you could start small - like perhaps book a tour or two by yourself, and leave flights and everything else to a travel agent? It can definitely feel overwhelming when you are trying to put together a whole trip. Or, you could even go and see a travel agent without obligation and just ask for some brochures - a lot of the time they contain enough information to give you the confidence to book it alone! :)
Maybe you could start small - like perhaps book a tour or two by yourself, and leave flights and everything else to a travel agent? It can definitely feel overwhelming when you are trying to put together a whole trip. Or, you could even go and see a travel agent without obligation and just ask for some brochures - a lot of the time they contain enough information to give you the confidence to book it alone! :)

Thanks, Amelia! Going 'no-obligation' for brochures is a great idea. I also like the thought of maybe just having the agent book my flights and hotel stay or something like that.
I honestly prefer doing everything myself. I think travel agents oftentimes mark things up (they've got to be making some profit in there somehow, right?!) and I find that researching the best deals myself is satisfying. Plus, the responsibility is solely on me at that point, which means that I'm in control of my travel plans 100% -- which I really enjoy! I'm a fairly seasoned traveller at this point, having been to a number of countries and on lots of long haul flights, so I'm pretty confident with my ability to research and book things myself. The only time I've ever had something go wrong with travel plans was when I went via a travel agent, funnily enough - they didn't leave me enough time between reaching an international airport and going through customs/immigration and then having to catch a domestic flight from the same airport. After they messed that up, I figured from now on I would just do it all myself!

As I prolific user of a travel agent, I'm a fan of the "don't worry about it" approach that they have. The feeling that everything WILL go to plan as there's going to be a big financial backlash. I've had issues with a travel agent before, however, I was able to be refunded the cost of that section of the trip, which did make me smile :) That's a big plus for me, as I'm quite forgetful and I have a "wing it" attitude to holiday planning ;_;

Often, I find using a travel agent can, potentially, be cheaper that doing a "D.I.Y" holiday. Especially since most travel agents are tied to the companies operating the holidays, and so they're able to offer exclusive deals that you cannot find anywhere else. Plus, if your good at haggling, you can really get the price down from where it began.
If you're feeling overwhelmed with all the planning then you should use a travel agent. Start by planning the little things yourself and the more often you do it the easier it becomes. You don't want to be stressed out before your vacation even begins.
As I prolific user of a travel agent, I'm a fan of the "don't worry about it" approach that they have. The feeling that everything WILL go to plan as there's going to be a big financial backlash. I've had issues with a travel agent before, however, I was able to be refunded the cost of that section of the trip, which did make me smile :) That's a big plus for me, as I'm quite forgetful and I have a "wing it" attitude to holiday planning ;_;

Often, I find using a travel agent can, potentially, be cheaper that doing a "D.I.Y" holiday. Especially since most travel agents are tied to the companies operating the holidays, and so they're able to offer exclusive deals that you cannot find anywhere else. Plus, if your good at haggling, you can really get the price down from where it began.

That might be where my troubles lie -- I am possibly the worst person at haggling that ever existed!

That's good that you were able to get refunded for the instance where you had issues with a travel agents bookings - thankfully for me, when I missed my flight as a result of the travel agent not leaving me enough time, I was able to get on a flight a few hours afterwards with the same carrier, and they didn't charge me for it! So it all worked out in the end, just a minor inconvenience. But the control freak part of me still likes booking it all myself. Unless there was some really sweet deal - then I might be persuaded!
I prefer to use travel agents. I mean why should I give myself all that headache when I can have someone do it for me. It is their job and they are good at it. They are also very experienced and would have a better idea of what to expect. I have a lot on my plate and would rather leave the travelling plans and packages to the professionals.
I have used travel agents before. Some are very good and make traveling to new places and even other destinations you've been before easier. There are a few travel agents who did not do quite what they should have however, and made it slightly more difficult of a travel experience. For that reason, if you are going to use a travel agent, you need to find a good one. I was fortunate to find as many good ones as I did. Some of my friends and family who travel have not always had the best of luck with it. There are times I like to travel without one and plan out my own trip, especially if I have been somewhere before. When I go to India, I will probably use one.
That's a good point, Malibu. Planning the trip yourself would save you money because you wouldn't have to pay an agent. I'd been thinking of going through a travel agency to book the trip but I think I may just take that money and invest it into the trip itself.
I understand you want to save some money on the trip, but the fact is that you could end up spending more money when you try to plan it yourself, not to talk of all the time you will waste trying to do something you are not used to doing.