Kodaikanal Christian College


New Member
I wish to enroll in the Kodaikanal Christian College, but there are a few things which I would like to know about the college before finalizing my college list.

The first question is what the college is like? I would like to get some reviews about the college regarding the studies, the teachers and the atmosphere of the place.

Does the college provide in-house accommodation, or so we need to find our accommodation outside the college?
Hello, @Nishika! Welcome to the forum!

The Kodaikanal Christian College was established in the year 1994 by Dr. Samuel Abraham, under the House of Abrahams Charitable Trust. It is a private, autonomous and self-financing college in Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu. It is also the first arts and science college to be established at Kodaikanal. The KCC is also UCG recognised and is affiliated with the Madurai Kamaraj University. It is located on the Paradise Hill, around a scenic 42-acre property.

The Undergraduate Degrees offered are the following:
  • Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) – Offered by Department of Management Studies
  • Bachelors in Commerce with Computer Application (BCOM w/ CA) – Offered by Department of Commerce
  • Bachelors in Computer Application (BCA) – Offered by Department of Computer Science and IT
  • Bachelors in Networking and Security (BSC NS) – Offered by Department of Computer Science and IT
  • Bachelors in Social Work (BSW) – Offered by Department of Social Work
  • Bachelors of Science in Hotel Management and Catering Science (BSC HMCS) – Offered by Department of Hotel Management
  • Bachelors of Arts in English (BA ENG) – Offered by Department of English
The Postgraduate Degrees offered are the following:
  • Masters in Foreign Trade (MFT) – Offered by Department of Management Studies
  • Masters in Social Work (MSW) – Offered by Department of Social Work
  • Masters in Business Administration (MBA) – Offered by Department of Management Studies
  • Masters in Computer Applications (MCA) – Offered by Department of Computer Science and IT
The first question is what the college is like? I would like to get some reviews about the college regarding the studies, the teachers and the atmosphere of the place.

I've mentioned the different undergraduate and postgraduate programs above. But generally, here are the departments in the KCC:
  • Department of Business & Management Studies
  • Department of Foreign Trade
  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Computer Science & Information Technology
  • Department of Hotel Management & Catering Science
  • Department of Social Work
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Music
  • Department of Languages & Literature
  • Department of Physical Education
The school's motto is Born to Lead and they do strive to make each student a future leader in whatever endeavour they would go through in life. They do this through a vigorous education program with an emphasis on a value system of righteousness and goodness. Hence, every graduate of the college has been instilled with good morals and proper conduct. Students here are also well-rounded as they are exposed to other cultural events, sports facilities and extracurricular activities.

Classroom are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities like LCD projectors and even WiFi. The college also has the Sherwin Abraham Computer Centre for student research and Abraham Hall for hosting major functions and student seminars. They also have a library with over 30,000 books and other published materials like periodicals, journals and digital books.

KCC also has a racquet or squash ball court, a basketball court, table tennis facilities and a workout or health gym. The highest playground in Asia, called Mount Adoni Sports Field, is also located in the school premises. For the musicians, they have the Trinity Music Centre which is affiliated with Trinity School of Music (UK). The music centre has an upright piano, percussion instruments and string instruments.

The total work force of the college is about 90, which includes both the non-teaching and teaching employees. The chairman and principal is Dr. Samuel Abraham, who is also a PhD holder. The vice chairperson is Dr. Greetaa Abraham, who is also a dental practitioner. Mr. Stanley J. Thomas is the school director, who was raised and educated in the USA. He had worked with students for a long time and just moved to Kodaikanal during the year 2007. As you can see, many of their leaders are well-educated and experienced in this field, hence you are secured about the quality of their education system.

Since the college is located in a mountainous region, about 2,100 metres above sea level, the atmosphere here is quite serene and peaceful. You're also surrounded by lush greenery and the climate is pleasant almost all-year round.

Does the college provide in-house accommodation, or so we need to find our accommodation outside the college?

The college provides in-house accommodations for students, they're referred to as hostels. Here are the different types of hostels in the college:
  • Men's Hostel - This hostel is only for the males. The building is located in the campus and has rooms complete with basic amenities like attached bathroom, furniture and WiFi.
  • Wesley Hall - This is the resort housing that has rooms with attached bathroom. It's for the first year undergraduate students.
  • Luther Hall - This is the resort housing that has rooms with common living room and bathroom. This is for the second year undergraduate students.
  • Presidential Block - This is the resort housing that has rooms with attached bathroom. This is for the third year undergraduate students.
  • Calvin Hall - This is the resort housing for postgraduate students.
  • Women's Hostel - This hostel is only for females. It has a stationed outpost and watchmen. It also has its own recreation centre aside from the rooms with basic amenities like bathroom, furniture and WiFi.
I hope this helps!
