Monsoon Season


New Member
When is Monsoon season in India? Does is cover the entire country or just the Southern part? I would like to see the highlights of the whole country but would like to work around the rain.
It's generally from mid-June to nid-September, give or take a few weeks. But the rainfall varies widely across parts of the country. For example, North-East and South-East India receive the heaviest rainfall while it's pretty dry in the North-Western and Central parts. It's better to consult with a local resident of a particular area about the rainfall and problems related to the season before visiting it.
Monsoon is the time when South Asian countries including India receives lots of rainfall. Monsoon season generally arrives in June and continues until September. Monsoon is not a good time to visit India because the streets are always flooded.
Not all of India becomes flooded. In certain areas, you have to swim through knee-level rain water. In others, particularly in big cities with better drainage, you can pretty much put up with the rain and go to work as long as you have an umbrella or sturdy raincoat. It would be better to visit India over the summer where the weather is relatively fine.
Monsoon in India genrally starts in mid july and ends up in August and sometimes mid september.Its not a good idea to travel in monsoon as because you can't enjoy your vacation at most due to rain.
Now I know when "not" to plan my trip. It seems like November through May would be a good time. That's when we are having winter here in the states. Thanks for all the great information folks.
As others have mentioned here monsoon starts around end of May/early June to mid-September. In some places in South India it can go to November and December too. Floods are a very rare occurrence except in certain places with very heavy rain. The entire West Coast of India gets very heavy rain during the monsoon and is preferably avoided if you don't like rain. But I must tell you that the natural scenery is at it's best during the monsoon season here.