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I have limited experience in the camping and wilderness areas of India, and I am wondering if there are mosquitoes to deal with? If I plan on going out into the forest, should I bring some deet or other repellents?
From what I remember, there are always tons of mosquitoes. Even if you weren't camping, I would suggest some type of repellent.
Asia is pretty tropical, the humidity can be harsh sometimes added with the fact flies and mosquitoes often pollute the sewage and pools. Bringing a repellent is always good advice especially if the destination you're going to is conducive to those environments.
It's definitely more practical to bring in some insect repellant. India is a very tropical country like mine and mosquitoes love breeding in such places. Usually, mosquitoes are rampant during the early morning and early evening. So as much as you can, try spraying in some anti-mosquito lotions before going out in these times. If you're going camping, it's wise to dress in long-sleeve shirts and pants.

There are other options like coils which you lit and can repel mosquitoes. But it's a bit of a fire hazard if left on its own. Then there are electric mosquito killers which you cannot bring in camping sites. Your other option would have to be mosquito nets which are quite effective in repelling mosquitoes.

Good luck!
@jnorth88 Repellant doesn't cost much and can be procured cheaply. However if you have any allergies, you may want to bring a brand of your own that you have tested out first.

Unrelated but interesting: Applying a warm spoon to a mosquito bite stops the itch (It denatures the chemical that causes the itch). Just something that can be very relevant when you are camping.
Yes!!! Some places in India have horrid mosquito problems! It's very important to make sure you wear repellent and have your vaccinations before travelling to India. Remember, it's a third world country and its easy to catch all kinds of diseases from the mosquito population there.
You will find a lot of mosquitoes in any tropical country. You better bring repellents with you like off lotions, or you can wear wrist bands. You can also apply lemon eucalyptus oil or cinnamon oil. Just make sure that you are not allergic to them. It also helps to wear clothes with long sleeves, and pants or leggings to cover most parts of your body.
Mosquitoes thrive well in hot and humid climates, such as India. So if you are planning an outdoor or camping trip, carry along enough insect repellent and a mosquito net. You'll thank yourself when the little buzzards swarm in.
Mosquitoes are everywhere near the water. I am pretty sure India has a lot of mosquitoes since they have so much rain. The danger is greater now with all these new diseases that they bring along. Mosquitoes are the most prolific killers in the history of mankind. I would go prepared there with whatever you use against them. Even if you are told that it is not necessary you should just bring something.
You're strongly advised to bring a few bottles of insect repellent. Mosquitoes are very common in India and they could potentially carry disease in humid conditions. This is especially true during the monsoon season. You should definitely take extra precaution.
Yup, make sure to bring lots of repellents, wear long sleeves during the afternoon (and avoid areas where they fester), before you leave your own country be sure to get your shots first, vaccinations, and in worst case scenario, be sure to have quick access to your medical records in the event you may end up at the hospital for a tropical illness from insect bites.
The climate in India is made for mosquitoes so even if you're not going camping I'd still bring some repellents with you.

Failing that there will be places in india to buy them from and in fact that might be the better option as they'll probably be cheaper, and not only that, some airlines these days will make you pack those items in your luggage and you're not allowed them as hand luggage like before. Not a big deal you might think, until the bottles of repellent leak or burst all over your clothes!
With the new threat of Zika virus which is spread by mosquitoes, I wouldn't advise you to travel without the necessary protection such as a strong insect repellent or even a mosquito net if you plan to camp outdoors. By the way, Zika is at present in South America but may soon spread to other parts of the world.
The Zuma virus, even though at the moment has quietened down, could still affect any part of the world like you say.

The thing is though, there's enough protection from mosquito's to stop people from contracting it, it's just the fact that some people don't, or won't use it that's putting them at risk.
I'd advise you to invest in the best quality mosquito repellent that you can afford, and make sure to pack lots of it. The clothes can protect you up to a certain point, but even when you cover yourself up properly you still leave your face and neck vulnerable. So repellent is your best bet.
Well they were pretty bad where we were, and we were not as prepared as we should have been. I remember being extra frustrated with everyone too because this was something that we knew about beforehand. We knew what we were getting ourselves into and we still did not prepare enough, all in the name of saving space too. Oh well, you live and you learn, and you share with others so they do not make the same mistakes. So, don't make the same mistake.
Mosquito nets are a must. A friend of mine went on a three day trek in a national park and came down with what appeared to be malarial symptoms. He was never sure as he recovered by the time they reached a clinic, but that was his best guess as he remembers becoming ill after being bitten bitten by several mosquitoes while sleeping in his tent after forgetting to close the mosquito net flap.
Yes, I would definitely bring insect repellent. I traveled almost two years ago to india, and there was quite a few mosquitos.. Not to mention the whole zika virus thing, but yes, bring insect repellent with you. You'' regret it if you don't, like I did.
Well, I personally think that you will find mosquitos pretty much anywhere you go nowadays, it's such an unavoidable thing unless you go to a very cold place of course, but in this case, it's a yes from me.