Most haunted places in Bangalore


New Member
I am in the process of making my YouTube channel, which would feature haunted places.
I require help from everyone to guide me along the way and to start off with I need to know about the most haunted places in Bangalore.

I think the top 10 haunted places would be fine, with 1 being the most haunted place.

I intend to visit these places and making videos while being there.
Hi there, welcome to the forum!


Are you someone seeking for the thrills and spookiness of truly haunted places? While some may think that haunted places exist in more rural areas of India, even cities have their fair share of haunted attractions. Bangalore, a city established during the 15th century by the Vijayanagara dynasty, has many stories behind its centuries old soils and structures. For some, such places are popular spots for unfulfilled spirits to dwell in. Stories of unusual and scary paranormal events have long been popular in many haunted areas around the city. So if you want to explore such areas in Bangalore, read on and find out which are the top ten haunted places that you must include in your unique itinerary.

Top 10 Haunted Places in Bangalore

1. Terra Verra Abandoned House - In 2002, a gruesome murder occurred in a mansion in St. Mark's Road in Bangalore. At 12:00 midnight, a suspected thief entered the mansion, owned by Dolce Vaaz and Vera Vaaz, through a ventilator opening. Having been seen by Dolce Vaaz, the thief must have been caught off guard and so the gruesome murder occurred. Dolce Vaaz, an English tutor aged 75 years old, was stabbed to death by the still unknown assailant, with multiple injuries in her arms, neck and hands. Her sister, Vera Vaaz, heard the screams of Dolce, and hurried to her room, where she saw the assailant fleeing away from the incident. Alas, Dolce Vaaz met her untimely death because of this gruesome murder. Thereafter, Vera Vaaz, a piano instructor aged 80 years, moved out of the property. The place where this incident occurred is none other than the Terra Verra, a heritage property once owned by EA Vaaz, which was the father of the two sisters. There are many hear-says about the property too, as it is located in a prime location and some people believe that the two sisters were pressured many times to leave the property by real estate developers, as well as business men. Even relatives of the two sisters have had their eyes on the property as well, as recounted by Vera Vaaz. Through the years after, the house remained abandoned and in 2015, it was demolished. However, prior to its demolishment, many passers-by recounted feeling a negative energy amidst the presence of the house. Some even heard a piano playing, despite the organ in the house being non-functional anymore. In 2011, the Bangalore Squad of Investigators on Paranormal Activities (BASIPA) investigated the property and confirmed that the spirit of the former resident still resides here. Various events like sudden drop of temperatures, psychic attack and strange photographs were encountered by the team.
  • Spooky Level - High
  • Tourism at Night - Not Allowed Anymore

2. Carlton Towers - Once a thriving and busy hub in the city, the Carlton Towers now stand desolate despite recent renovations to the building. For the residents of Bangalore, the story of the fire that broke out in the building seem not so long ago. The incident occurred in 2010, when a lift service cable caught was caught into flames and the fire spread into the third and higher floors of the Tower A building. While the people at the lower floors were able to flee into safety, those in the higher floors were trapped, some suffocated due to the thick smoke that enveloped the building. Some died trying to jump from windows. In total, the tragic fire lead to the death of nine individuals, three of which jumped to their deaths, while the remaining died due to burns and suffocation. Seven years later, the Carlton Towers, both Tower A and Tower B, remain abandoned with only a few tenants occupying about 10% of the total capacity of the buildings. In 2015, TV9 Heegu Unte investigated the building, particularly the floors that the fire damaged. The television crew caught a ghost in their camera which you can easily find online. Because of its tragic past, the Carlton Towers has this dark vibe into it, the spirits of the people who lost their lives in the fire could still be trapped in there.
  • Spooky Level - Medium
  • Tourism at Night - Not Allowed
3. Kalpally Cemetery - The Kalpally Cemetery is also known as the St. John's Cemetery, it is located in Sarvagnanagar in Bangalore. The cemetery has been in existence since 1988 and has separate graveyards for Hindus and Christians. A cemetery in itself can be quite spooky especially during night time. There were many accounts of individuals spotting a lonesome shadow in the dark while passing by the cemetery during night time. Some vaguely recognise that the man wore a white clothing and as they went ahead to approach him, he will suddenly vanish in thin air! In 2015, Team Pentacle, a paranormal group of experts, investigated the supposed hauntings of the cemetery. In their investigation, they discovered that a female spirit haunts the place though she means no harm in humans. As chronicled by the grave-diggers living in the cemetery, they have never experienced any kind of intrusion or apparition in the cemetery despite staying there throughout the day and night. The mysterious man and the supposed female spirit residing here makes the cemetery truly a haunted spot in Bangalore.
  • Spooky Level - Medium
  • Tourism at Night - Allowed
4. Hunisehalli in Hoskote Route - A strange and peculiar request of an old woman which was, thankfully, turned down by an auto driver actually saved his life. The story goes that one night, an auto driver was on his way home to Bangalore, after dropping a man in the town of Hoskote. He was passing through the sharp curve around Hunisehalli when he saw an old woman at the roadside. The woman wanted a lift but she didn't have any money. The man agreed to take her to her house but the woman had a strange request. As she was disabled, she wanted the man to get out of the auto and carry her inside it. The man, feeling a bit weird about the request, refused to do so. The woman suddenly changed her aura and said, "You got lucky, [insert creepy laugh] if you would have taken a step out of this vehicle, you would have been dead!" The driver then speeded up and went home, but he was stricken by fever and frequent urination for quite a few days after the incident. As it turns out, the auto has holy pictures and images which was why the old woman wasn't able to ride it. In 2016, the same Team Pentacle mentioned above, also investigated the site. Armed with their Ghost Metre Pro and Infrared Thermometer, the team was able to confirm that the place was indeed haunted. Drops in temperatures and the flickering of the Ghost Metre Pro indicated such hauntings. However, the spirit didn't communicate much with the team so information about her details or concerns with the area was not known.
  • Spooky Level - High
  • Tourism at Night - Allowed

5. Kempegowda International Airport - Also known as the Bangalore International Airport, this is the city's busiest hub. Who would have known that even such a crowded place can be haunted? The Kempegowda International Airport was established in May of 2008. Over the past few years, many weird and strange instances occurred in the same month following the inauguration of the airport. In 2011, the exact dates are not known but perhaps around the middle of May, two airport personnel were doing their usual round of cleaning the washrooms in the airport. As they finished their cleaning duties and they were about to leave, the taps of the basins suddenly spewed water in full force. Now, the taps in the airport are triggered only through sensors so this phenomenon is truly shocking to them. But thankfully, the taps turned off just after a few seconds which lead the two personnel breathing a sigh of relief. But suddenly, the taps started opening again, in full force and all together which scared the personnel and made them run out of the washroom immediately. Experts blamed the faulty plumbing of the washroom, which lead to the flooding of the entire area. Yet the peculiar events don't end here because in the year 2014 of the same month, a highly publicised ghost sighting was the talk of the town in the airport and outside of it. A flight from the Middle East was preparing to touch down on the 27th runway of the airport. However, a sari-clad apparition was seen by the pilot, which seems to be frantically waving his or her arms, as if warning the pilot of something. Since the sari-clad apparition was standing in the middle of the runway, the pilot had no choice but to turn back the aircraft and just attempt for another landing. Of course, as with procedure, the pilot informed the Air Traffic Control Tower of the occurrence so that they can safely escort the sari-clad person out of the runway. The personnel set on their way to the runway and looked for the person but instead, found two dead dogs lying in the runway ground. If the pilot has landed in that area, the aircraft and its passengers could have been set upon grave danger. Yes, it was as if the sari-clad apparition warned the pilot of the impending danger.
  • Spooky Level - Medium
  • Tourism at Night - Allowed (If You Have a Ticket)
6. National Highway 4 - National Highways are often deemed spooky because countless accidents occur in them daily. As such, it is inevitable for them to be haunted by the spirits that left their mortal bodies at the tarmac roads of the highways. The National Highway 4 is the favourite haunting spot of a pretty sari-clad woman. According to local stories, she constantly asks for a lift from innocent passers-by and then vanishes into thin air suddenly. The most popular story is of a man who gladly took the woman into his vehicle. The man was about to ask the woman where she needs to go but he was shocked to find that she has already disappeared. He continued driving on but then the woman reappeared, this time at the back of his car seat, laughing quite hysterically. The poor man, scared to his wits, got out of the vehicle and run into a compound wall, which lead to physical injuries upon him. So whenever you take this highway, remember this story and quickly drive past that sari-clad pretty woman you see along the way.
  • Spooky Level - High
  • Tourism at Night - Allowed
7. The Big Banyan Tree - Located in Kethohalli in Bangalore is the Dodda Aladha Mara, also known as The Big Banyan Tree. Spread around 3 acres of land, the tree is estimated to be around 500 years old already. While during day time, it is widely visited by many tourists in and out of the city, many don't venture into the area during late night. In the year 2003, a group of friends visited the tree during night time. They captured some photographs while around the premises of the tree. Though nothing unusual occurred during the photography session, once they have developed the pictures, they caught an unusual and scary image on one specific picture. The photograph shows their friend with an apparition of a female ghost beside him. According to local reports, after seeing the photograph, the man in the picture was in coma for a while. Many though speculated that this story was a hoax and eventually, the haunted hype around the tree lessened.
  • Spooky Level - Medium
  • Tourism at Night - Allowed
8. Victoria Hospital - The ghost of the Victoria Hospital (Near City Market) in Bangalore is a bit tame as compared to the other ghosts mentioned above. The hospital was inaugurated in the 1900 by Lord Curzon himself. Even now, the hospital boasts of a Victorian era style of architecture, which adds to its glamour and mystic vibe. The government-run hospital caters to the less fortunate patients of Bangalore and during day time, you might find the place bustling with activities. Come night time, the atmosphere suddenly changes, as darkness envelopes the place and yes, even a certain hungry ghost roams the premises. According to one health personnel of the hospital, a few years back, a packet of biryani mysteriously disappeared close to the morgue premises. On the other hand, many medical students have also reported a tea-loving ghost that used to finished off their chais. Well, if you're around the hospital, make sure you take a closer look at your food or else this ghost might get his or her hands on them.
  • Spooky Level - Low
  • Tourism at Night - Allowed

9. Shettihalli Church - About an hour away from the city centre of Bangalore is the Shettihalli Church. Built in the 1860s, the church exudes a Gothic architecture, despite being ruined. It is also known as the Holy Rosary Church and its location was once heavily populated by local residents. However, with the construction of the Hemavati Dam and Reservoir, the locals abandoned the area and so the church was abandoned as well. There's no doubt that it is a beautiful church which gets submerged in water during heavy rainfalls. During such times, the church would be submerged underwater and only the top part of its spires would be visible. According to Team Pentacle, this is one of the top three most haunted spots in Bangalore. The Real Asian Paranormal Society also conducted an investigation in the church premises and they caught the shadow of a ghost in one of their trap cameras. Amidst its beautiful ruins, the Shettihalli Church has hidden secrets as well that only the brave should brave to venture.
  • Spooky Level - Medium
  • Tourism at Night - Allowed

10. MG Road - Last on this list is a specific spot on MG Road where, according to stories, a call centre employee died as she was hit by a drunk driver's car. Though the stories are not confirmed, many say that this woman lives quite close to the call centre and commuted daily on her way home from it. One night, she was on her usual route home when a drunk driver passed by and was driving too fast. Instead of stopping by the woman that the driver hit, he kept driving and left her to die, as she was screaming hysterically all throughout. Tragically, the woman died because of this haste incident. Until now, people who reside close to the area, even those who pass by it, can still hear the screams of the woman who died on that fatal night.
  • Spooky Level - Medium
  • Tourism at Night - Allowed

So are you brave enough to explore these haunted places of Bangalore? Something about the unknown seems to fascinate us which is why we are always curious about dark places like these ones. But always remember that these places can be very dangerous too, as there can lurking entities, both human or not, during night time. Keep your faith with you if ever you decide to visit any of these haunted places. And for those who have experienced such paranormal events, do share them in this thread.

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