Bhangarh Fort - The most haunted place in India

Have you actually experienced any paranormal events there? I am a firm believer in this kind of stuff but I myself have never seen it. I do keep an open-mind though and never shoot down the ideas of people that do/don't believe it. I would love at least one time to experience something like that. If I ever travel there this will be on my list of things to do.

I have never had any paranormal experiences, but I am certainly a believer in such things that cannot be well understood. I wonder how common these experiences are, and is there any documentation of these experiences. Those pictures of the area are so beautiful I can't imagine having negative feelings there.
All spooky stories about Bhangarh Fort are rumors spread by those superstitious locals who have long believed that this is a cursed and haunted place. But it makes it a really cool place to visit. One should rather enjoy the architecture and the long and proud history associated with this fort.
Is this the place that was featured on that MTV show where they sent girls to "investigate" things?
I don't know about Bhangarh, but there is a village in Rajasthan that's been covered a lot by the media and everyone who goes there gets recordings and other evidences all the time. The village is called Kuldhara and is one of the world's most haunted places. Take your "non-believers" there and spend a night there.
I have been reading and hearing a lot about this place. I am not sure if the place really deserves the hype that is associated with it or if it’s just that, hype after a few tv features One things is sure though, it has got me curious. I definitely have to see the place for myself once.
Yeah, it was through TV that I heard about this place. You know that ghost hunter who mysteriously died a few months back? He had actually done a feature on this place for a news channel before his death!