I am from Tamil Nadu, and I have done some solo travelling within India. I like exploring hills, caves and old temples. I am passionate about visiting and maintaining heritage sites. However, many such places (cave/rock cut temples for example) are remote and not known very well. They may have immense historical importance, but sometimes, even locals living in an area do know know about them. For example, in Lonar near Aurangabad, I came across a beautiful lake that was supposedly created by crater impact and the fantastic Daitya Sudan temple. There was no one else at the temple, we only saw a group of boys playing cricket at the temple using on of the ornately carved pillars as a wicket! While I enjoyed the experience, I found myself wishing that we could be more historically minded and learn about such hidden treasures. So friends, do you know about any such places in your local area? Have you visited such places during your travels?