Rooms Near The Elevator

Rita P

New Member
Each time I have stayed in rooms that are too close to the elevator, I've had nothing but regret. I have even written a negative review about the hotel that I stayed in although it wasn't too bad. So if you plan to put up a a busy hotel, take rooms that are away from the elevator.
You are so right because on my last stay in a city hotel there was a group staying on the same floor as me, who were going up and down in the elevators for something or the other. I got so annoyed that I got my room changed in the middle of the night.
Fortunately, we haven't had a room that's so close to the elevator. I remember one time though that we got a room close to the gym. The noise isn't that bad since people mostly go to gyms during mornings or afternoon anyways. But during those times, I think kids were playing with the gym equipments since I heard noisy, small voices, lol.

So if you can, try to choose a room away from places where people always flock in. Be it elevators or gyms or even stairs. It's better to stay at a floor without the gym. And to choose a room that isn't so near the stairs and the elevators. Because chances are, people will always talk and chat while using those facilities.
I always try to avoid being near the elevator. Depending on the hotel, the noise can be constant. I'm not one of those people who expects absolute quiet when I stay at a hotel, but I can't deal with a continuous barrage of voices outside my door.
I've only had that experience once at a hotel and it was the worst! The elevator was noisy, and to add to that, the people getting off the elevator were noisy - it was just frustrating all around because I didn't sleep well at all! I felt like I was constantly waking up at all hours of the night anytime someone was using the elevator.
When it comes to the hotel, I have always liked being tucked away in the corner or in a room all by itself or where nobody else can see, so being right by the elevator seems like the worst. I am trying to think back and remember if I have ever had that be the case but am not coming up with anything. It would be annoying, though, and that is certainly something that I am actively trying to avoid while I am on vacation.
I usually try to get a corner room if I can, I find it's the quietest and you don't hear people walking near the door. I also try to avoid hotels that have large conventions in them because for some reason the people seem to be very loud.
My worst experience like this was a hotel here in England, where the doors had some sort of mechanism on them that meant they always pull themselves closed (so you can't go out and leave them open accidentally I suppose). A lot of people just let doors slam behind them, which is annoying in itself - but these had such a strong mechanism that there was no way to close the door quietly, however you tried. So all night long, all I could hear were doors closing along the corridor. Drove. Me. Crazy.
My worst experience like this was a hotel here in England, where the doors had some sort of mechanism on them that meant they always pull themselves closed (so you can't go out and leave them open accidentally I suppose). A lot of people just let doors slam behind them, which is annoying in itself - but these had such a strong mechanism that there was no way to close the door quietly, however you tried. So all night long, all I could hear were doors closing along the corridor. Drove. Me. Crazy.

I've been in that situation and one in particular drove me crazy. The people across the hall kept going in and out of the room at night and I'd wake up every time. I think the noise from elevators depends on the hotel. I've stayed in hotels near the elevator and heard very little. A couple of times it was noisy but not to the point of being frustrated with it.
I usually try to get a corner room if I can, I find it's the quietest and you don't hear people walking near the door. I also try to avoid hotels that have large conventions in them because for some reason the people seem to be very loud.

That tends to be what I do now, if the option is there! It's just so much nicer and more private when you're tucked away and don't have people having to walk by your room to get places! Plus, there's something about that which makes me feel more secure too. When I'm traveling by myself, feeling secure and safe is a big thing, and anything that helps that is great! :)
I would definitely agree. Hotels should always keep elevators a good distance away from the rooms. This ensures privacy and prevents foostep-induced noises from disturbing the peace. Any architect who designs a hotel should be mindful of the guests' comfort and convenience.
I think as a general rule, the rooms near elevators should be avoided, however it depends on the elevator and its age mostly. Another consideration is having people gathered outside your door waiting for the lift to arrive which can be quite noisy and annoying. I think its like being near the engines on a plane, its not ideal, but shouldn't be a deal breaker.
When I traveled in Japan, I learned the hard way to avoid rooms near elevators, pools, or any other loud area where a lot of people go by. You feel that it will probably be ok, but it never is and it always gets too loud to concentrate or sleep. When you are traveling for business, you don't have as much flexibility on your schedule. It can be hard to coordinate your sleep schedule around the busiest hours you stay at a hotel. When you pay for staying at a hotel, one expectation is that it is quiet, and that you can rest or get a good night's sleep. With any area I have traveled to, if I find the only available room is next to the elevator or the pool, I politely decline and look for vacancy at another hotel. If you're going to pay to stay nightly, you should be able to enjoy it and have peace when you do.
The people across the hall kept going in and out of the room at night and I'd wake up every time.

Yeah - what is up with people like that? I'm always baffled why people feel the need to go in and out during the night...I mean, you (usually) have bathroom facilities within your room so it can't be that they need to answer the call of nature. Just stay in there and go to sleep!!
The worst ever stay I had was in a UK airport hotel, where a plane load of foreign students ran amok through the entire place after their long suffering teachers escaped to bed. I'd take noisy elevators over hyped up children any day of the week.
Oddly enough, in all of the hotels I've stayed in I've never been in a room close to an elevator. I can see how it could be a pain, though. I've been in a room not too far from the pool and it's horrible.
It is always good to put in requests. The hotel front desk is more than happy to accommodate guests, and will give you the best rooms available if you ask politely. Many people fail to take advantage of this, even though it is a basic service.
I read some tips online that apparently, when getting a reservation, add an MD at the end of your name, that way the staff would prepare to treat you better, for example, giving you a room far from the elevator. Might be a good idea to try, can't really lose anything if you're tired of getting the rooms closest to the elevators.
The noise would be something of an issue for me also. I already live along the highway and every day is really noisy. I would want to just be at some room where I can finally get a moments peace and relax to my heart's content. Every day I would force myself to think and write and it's quite a challenge because I have to think through all the noise. Isn't that why you're on vacation? To get away from it all?
From personal experience, rooms that are based close to the elevator are sometimes offered at a cheaper rates than the rest, simply because of the noise factor.

It's not a room that I'd choose to stay in, but if it's being offered at a substantial discount, then it is something that might be worth considering if your on a limited budget.