Scams In India


New Member
I've read that there are many scams going on for the traveler. Such things as accepting what you thought was a gift and then being billed for it. Paying for services up front and fake information officers. How can one be sure they are not being ripped off?
I would say don't accept anything strange from anyone that you don't know or trust. Scams exist almost everywhere; you just need to be careful all the time.
Yes people in India do try to con foreigners a lot. Many historical places in India have higher rates for foreigners than Indians. These guys know that the dollar is much stronger than the rupee and at times even 5-6 times more than the standard rate would not feel like a rip-off to the foreigners. It is best to have a local travel guide along with you who knows the language so that you don't get overcharged in translation.
I am very certain that this something that is not isolated to India, and in my experience it was far less in India than some of the other countries that I have been to. I think that it is just a fact of life that where ever you go there are going to be people who are trying to take advantage of you and your situation and unfamiliarity with the customs and the social norms of the area. The best thing to do is to do your research and just play it safe.
Experience and tuition will tell you when you are being scammed or if someone is sincerely telling you the real price of an item or service. I've been scammed by taxi drivers and flea market vendors before but I just charged it to experience. I must have paid twice the actual price. During my next travels, I've learned to be more discerning and to compare prices first before making a final purchase.
Just like anywhere else, if something doesn't seem right, don't do it or accept it. If you're unsure but skeptical, check with the concierge at your hotel or another trusted source before getting involved.
I think the best thing to do is have someone with you at all times. Especially someone who knows the area and what the people are like. You're right rz3300. This doesn't happen only in India but all over the world.
It's the same as anywhere. Just use your best discretion and don't trust anyone unless they give you a good reason to. Just stay firm and don't look like a pushover and you'll be fine.
A lot of this stuff happens in many places, that I've heard of. A ton of my friends have been scammed like that in Europe particularly, where someone on the street will offer them a gift (and be pushy about them accepting it!) and then when they finally give in they were harassed for money! So I always just think it's about keeping your wits about you - and of course the old saying "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is".
Just be aware that not everyone who approches you is doing it just to be friendly, at some point if someone is trying to scam you they have to reveal the scam. Tickets, gifts, sob stories etc. At that point just walk away and they'll move on.
It would be smart to accept offers if there's any validation that they're real. You need to be sure that what's being offerd to you may need to be paid for so never be shy about asking questions. Some people would skimp on the information thinking that they've scored a deal. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.
Scams are everywhere for travelers. It's usually pickpockets, but in worse cases, muggers: with knives or even guns, and you really don't have a choice other than give up your possessions. The thing you have to worry about is to be vigilant and well, to be honest, not be an idiot in these situations. There are lots of scams out there, and you can only know what to avoid if you learn the different techniques people use, as there are really a lot of them. Ask fellow travelers online, or on the road you meet, and be vigilant at all times to avoid disaster.
In my first travel to India,once i got out of the airport i saw a man with a sign saying taxi. So i approached him and asked if he could take me to my hotel and he said yes. So i hopped in, and in the end of the ride i saw the cost of the taxi. I was surprised. I started arguing with the man until i just gave up and payed him. Be aware of who you trust to drive you! Make sure you go to trusted and legit taxis.
Well, it's always smart to be wary about strange and new things. Don't give information on the getgo just because someone asked nicely and double check your money before you pay anything. Tourists really are a good target in this case so don't act like one-- know basic prices beforehand and bring a guide, translator or a contact with you if you can afford it.

I think the first trait that a tourist needs to have is being observant. This can save you from many scams, mishaps and accidents. The same goes for travelling to India, you need to take your street smarts with you. You cannot trust too much or depend too much on the locals.

Be independent and research before you go. This can save you from many headaches in the long run. Read blogs about the most common issues tourists encounter in whatever country you're visiting. Here's a few tips that I can give you:

  • Do not ask your driver about the best hotels or accommodations in town. Chances are, they do have connections in certain hotels and can get commission whenever they refer someone to it. Stick to booking online for your hotels and accommodations.
  • Buy a sim card from reliable and reputable shops. They would need documents as well so if someone sells you a sim card without needing your documents, then be wary of that.
  • Don't accept gifts since they're most likely not free!
  • Always tip the elephant owner or cow owner if you take a picture. I think it's just courtesy since they do expect to be tipped.
  • Do not ever buy train tickets from other people. Always buy from the railway station's designated train ticket sellers.
That's about it. Just remember to be alert all the time and not to be too gullible when someone else asks you for something. I hope this helps!
Everyone knows tourists are the easiest targets when it comes to scam, as they don't usually know how things happen in the country, so I'd say don't accept anything from anyone and don't go out of your travel plan. I remember my mother telling me when she lived in India, there were these two guys who offered to wash her shoes, that she didn't even realize were dirty. She paid them and kept walking, only to find them again a few minutes down the road, offering to clean her shoes again. Turns out those guys put mud in the place she was only to scam the tourists!