Shocking Goa Experience: Alleged Black Magic Scam Targeting Tourists


New Member
In December 2024, before the New Year, I went on vacation to Goa, myfriend could not go, I had to fly alone. I planned to go for about a month.

I booked an inexpensive hotel in Morjim for one night in order to spendthe night and look for better housing.

The next day I took a bike and went in search of housing in which Iplanned to live the rest of the time. In parallel with the search, I went to
the sea, swam and visited various beach cafes (locally called"sheiki"). This is not my first time coming here, one of my favorite
places, so to speak).
The search did not last very long, and there in Morjim I rented housingfor a longer period.
Then, closer to the evening, I went to Arambol to the market that local
downshifters organized on the beach. It was already late, the sun had set anhour ago. After walking along the Arambol beach for some time, naturally not
finding any market, I went back. The next day, while it was still light, closerto sunset, I went to Arambol again in search of the same market (only later I
found out that this market has not existed for two years).
Having reached the beach and walked a little, some Indian called out tome. (He was wearing a red shirt and black trousers, quite tall, about 180 cm,
of average build). He was saying something unintelligible and pointing withgestures at my head, I waved him off and went in the same direction, but he was
persistent and continued to say something and show with gestures that Isupposedly had something on my ear and he wanted to get rid of it. Well, at
least that's how I understood it. Then he came closer and grabbed me by theear, I quickly turned away and saw in his hands an object resembling a bracket
made of a metal rod with sharpened edges.
The thought immediately flashed through my head that he was going toremove biological material from the ear for the purpose of subsequent
ENVOLTATION. (Due to my academic interest in esoteric topics, I am aware ofthis procedure.)
Briefly about the envoltation procedure.
The victim's biological material is removed (hair, teeth, blood, sperm,
skin, earwax or sweat and sebum secretions, in forensics sweat and sebumtraces, hereinafter referred to as SST). Then an image of the victim is created
in the form of a doll, in esotericism called a volt, the biological material ofthe victim is placed in it containing DNA molecules, through which a connection
is formed between the volt and the astral body of a person. Then, with the helpof the volt, it is possible to exert very different influence on the victim, naturally,
if desired, it is possible to kill such a victim.
Having left Arambol with the thought that the Indian had not managed tofully implement his plan. Almost immediately I calmed down, not attaching much
importance to what had happened.
The next day I spent as usual swimming, riding a bike and going torestaurants.
Before leaving the room, I left the keys at the reception and asked to
do the cleaning.
When I went to bed and after a short time I felt a strong burningsensation in the legs, it was with a very strong increasing effect and I
realized that a volt was done to me. The sensations were so strong and painfulthat there was no talk of anything else. I really wanted to scratch all my legs
until they bled. But I understood that if I did this, there would be marksleft. I tried to put my legs under a stream of cold water, it became a little
easier, but through carelessness I rubbed my legs very hard with a towel,thereby increasing the itching. Then I went back to bed and everything
continued again, but only new painful sensations were added in the form ofpricks all over my body, mainly of course in my arms and legs, it seemed that
hundreds of needles were stuck into all my limbs at once, some of them wentright through. Sometimes it stopped for a short time, supposedly giving a short
respite. And then everything repeated itself again. Well, and to top it alloff, there was a sensation as if your limbs were being cut off in the elbows
and knees. All this torture lasted about 6-7 hours. By morning everythingstopped.
The next
night was the same, although it seemed to me that it was a
little weaker, either I got used to it or there was less biological materialleft.
I found that it is much easier to endure envolution on my feet than
lying down, a directed stream of water also helps, although it is possible thatat this moment the manipulations with the volt stop, so that the person calms
down and relaxes a little, and then continues the torture at the mostinopportune moment for the victim.
Of course, it is quite difficult to rest in such conditions, to put it
Understanding that it was not possible to remove much from the ear andthe volt would not be long-term.
It became clear that the material is collected daily.
I began to study the issue more deeply, for such a procedure, PZhS left
by a person somewhere, on dishes, a bike, etc. are suitable
Then I began to notice that the rear-view mirrors of my bike areconstantly in a different position, different from my setting. Well, and
finally, one time I left the room and found that the bike seat was wet, andonly the entire seat. Although there was no hint of rain.
To extract the PZhS, a special solution is needed to increase the shelf
life of DNA samples, because under normal conditions the PZhS dry out quitequickly, as I found out later, forensic scientists extract such material within
a day, maximum two. The greatest danger is sweat-soaked clothing left somewhereunattended. I went to the store to buy a new shirt, threw the old one in my
backpack, and upon arrival I found the backpack open, while driving I was stuckin a traffic jam, maybe then they tried to open it and steal the shirt, but it
was lying at the bottom and the plan failed. In general, let's summarize, ateam works, local room cleaners, bartenders, waiters, bikers and, of course,
some local coven of sorcerers, the Indians participating in the scheme may notknow what they are doing and why, or maybe some do know, this question remains
open. Well, as you probably already guessed, the gist of the scheme is this:some well-off person arrives, surveillance is established for him, PZhS
material is collected in the places he visits, a volt is made, then torture,not as strong of course as I managed to survive (but that's a completely
different story), and in the morning a doctor miraculously appears with a magicpill for a tidy sum, well, as they say, everyone is happy. Of course, I don't
know the scale of this scheme, but they are definitely doing it in Morjim,although I am more than sure that in Northern Goa they are doing it everywhere,
and maybe in Southern Goa too.
Since the scheme is quite well established, it is concluded that peoplehave been doing this for many seasons. Such people undermine the reputation of
such a wonderful vacation spot and reduce tourism income in this area. This canbe stopped.

I ask the victims and others to respond.
Be careful, no one is immune from this.
If you
want to get in touch with these people, you can contact me.
Sorry to hear about your experience. I have been to Goa many times but never experienced anything like what you have described may be because I am an Indian and they only target foreigners may be, not sure.

I have changed the title of your thread to attract people searching about similar experiences. Let me know if you want your original title back. I changed it for more visibility on the net.