Suggest a good hotel near Taj Mahal


New Member
I would like some suggestions for a good hotel in Agra in specific close by the Taj Mahal. I don't need anything too costly neither too cheap, I would say around Rs1500 to Rs2000 per night.
The room should be decent sized and most importantly the bathroom should be clean.
I had been to Agra about 5 years ago and stayed in a hotel which was disgusting, the toilet was dirty and there was no hot water when it was needed.

Thank you.
That budget does not guarantee a sparkling clean bathroom unfortunately and Agra is not a place where people go every year as it is a monument and people would at the most visit twice so there is not much incentive in spending too much on cleaning for hotels.

One hotel I can suggest that comes for far less then what you are willing to spend is
Mango Hotel which is located at Sikandra which is a bit far from Taj Mahal but their rooms will come for a lot less then 1500 and the quality you would get will be at par with a 3500-4000 rs room inside Agra.

I hope this helps.
The budget of Rs1500 to Rs2000 per night would not really give you a good room if that it something you are after. If you are looking for a clean room especially the bathroom then you would need to increase your budget by another Rs1000. Also it would be best to get a hotel which is not in centre of the city or too close to the Taj Mahal as it would cost even more. If you are able to increase the budget then hotels in the price range of Rs3000 can be given.
There are many good hotels available near Taj Mahal. Your budget of Rs1500 to Rs2000 per night in this budget you will not get all facilities. If you want all facilities then then you increase your budget amount. There are the many hotels near Taj Mahal like -

Saniya Palace Inn
Hotel Host
Lucky Restaurant & Guest House
Hotel Kamal
Hotel Sheela

Not the best in town but for your budget these are good value for money.
There are many good hotels available near Taj Mahal. Your budget of Rs1500 to Rs2000 per night in this budget you will not get all facilities. If you want all facilities then then you increase your budget amount. There are the many hotels near Taj Mahal like -

Saniya Palace Inn
Hotel Host
Lucky Restaurant & Guest House
Hotel Kamal
Hotel Sheela

Not the best in town but for your budget these are good value for money.

Since Taj Mahal would be our main itinerary when we go to India, I would also like to know the costs of the hotels. And those that you posted, please indicate the cost per night of stay. Our usual trip abroad is for 4 days and 3 nights only and we are willing to spend even up to US$100 per night provided the accommodation comes with free breakfast. Thank you for the information on these hotels and thank you in advance to those who would respond.
There's the Hotel Taj Resorts if you want luxury. Also, ITC Mughal and the Oberoi Amarvilas Agra. The Hotel Taj Resorts will be your most expensive stay, but worth it in my opinion. The other two are closest and lower prices. It all depends on what kind of stay you're looking to have. Look up the amenities for all. Good luck.
A friend of mine traveled to India a while a go. He stayed at the Hotel Sidhartha. Am not sure what his budget was but knowing him it couldn't have been much. You might want to check up on it.
I recommend the hotels Hotel Host,Lucky Restaurant & Guest House,Hotel Kamal,Hotel Sheela. They are really good hotels with good reviews. You'll have a good time enrolling there as they have good benefits for staying.
There are many hotels available near Taj Mahal.But on your budget you cannot find facilities as you describe.For best facilities you should increase your budget 1000 or 1500 Rs.Then you can find good facilities.Some hotels near Taj Mahal are Hotel Sheela,The Oberoi Amarvilas,Hotel Atulyaa Taj and Saniya palace inn.
I think that for your price range you are better off looking in a different area. You are not going to get some of the essentials that a traveler might be accustomed to. I think you should think about increasing your budget if you want something that is closer to the Taj Mahal though. Best of luck searching! You should try to sign up for newsletters to get a coupon or a deal!
There are many more good hotels near Taj Mahal. They provide you good services and affordable rate. Such as-

Shanti Lodge
Saniya Palace Inn
Hotel Host
Hotel Kamal
The Oberoi Amarvilas
Hotel Atulyaa Taj
Hi Anubhav! Unfortunately your budget is too low for the area you are visiting and the needs you require. Below I've included a few options that might be over your budget by a few rupees, but they are clean and close to Taj Majal. Have a great trip.

-Hotel Taj Inn
-Hotel Deluxe Plaza
-Hotel Ganga Ratan
-Hotel Taj Resorts