getting a temporary bank account would be time-consuming
Is that so? Well if that's the case then opening a bank account on a temporary basis might be feasible. But if the tourist intends to go to places away from the cities or is only in India for like 3 days (say, he arrives on Friday and has to leave Sunday night), there wouldn't be enough time to open one. In other circumstances, it would be okay.It just takes a ten min visit to any bank, not time consuming atall and you get to save a lot of money in the process.
That is not true. Tourists are allowed to open bank accounts here in India.should be the resident of that country.
Thanks ! This information willl help tourists a lot.That is not true. Tourists are allowed to open bank accounts here in India.
Thats the thing about India, most large banks are run by the government and making a profit is not the only motivation for them. This is one of those things they do without taking profits and losses into consideration.I don't see why a bank would want that, or the hassle of dealing with a foreigner for a short duration.