The One Place You Absolutely Want To Visit?


We all have our wishful bucket list of places that we want to visit at least once in our lives. I have so many in mine I don't think I'll succeed in even reaching halfway through it. Every time I see a picture of a beautiful landscape I involuntarily add the place to the ever-increasing list. Now while I know it's impossible to visit ALL the places that I wish to travel to, there is one part of the world that I HAVE to visit once in this lifetime - Scotland.

I don't even know why this country pulls me so. But ever since I watched this documentary on the ruins and countryside of Scotland, some 7-8 years back, my mind and soul have leeched on to the place with determination. I've even told my boyfriend to make sure we have our honeymoon in Scotland. Lol. If it's possible to be infatuated with a place, I'm probably badly so with this part of the world!

What is that ONE place YOU want to visit once in your life?
Living in England, I've been to Scotland many times and it is a beautiful part of the world, and if you ever get the chance it's certainly worth a visit.

As for me I've always wanted to go to Cuba. There's just something about the country and it's people, the traditions and the way of life over there that fascinates me so hopefully one day I'll get that chance.
I've always wanted to the United States, London and the Netherlands. You see I'm from Asia and I've been to every country here from Philippines to Japan. The climate is pretty much the same-- hot, humid and rainy. I'd like to go somewhere cold and snowing for once-- I'd like to swim in a clear blue lake, watch my favorite bands live in concert and maybe go camping.
I always wanted to visit New Zealand or Ireland, the big green fields next to the ocean is one thing I really need to experience!
Nowadays I really want to visit Mayapur Dham in West Bengal. India. It's the birthplace of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. This is the place where headquarters of ISKCON are located. I have seen the pictures and videos of the beautiful ISKCON temple at Mayapur where devotees come from all over the world. It's a beautiful place.
I also have a huge bucket list of places that I want to see at least once in my life. But if I had to choose the place I want to see the most, it would be Australia! I love wildlife and Australia has a lot to offer in that regard.
I have heard that Oman is one of the best places to scuba dive. I am a scuba diver, so I am always looking for nice diving spots. I would love to visit Oman one day.
I know that I live in Texas, and that it's not far or difficult for me, but I have never had the time to visit the Grand Canyon. I think it is one place that has always fascinated me.
I would love to go to Venice someday. It seems to be such a beautiful and romantic place.Bali is another place that I want to visit for its untouched, scenic beauty.
I'd like to visit bora bora one Day. I like how exotic it looks on pictures online. Its like paradise out there I've never seen a place as exotic and beautiful as bora bora. I have other places I'd like to visit one day but bora bora is on top of my list.
The one place I absolutely want to visit would be Iceland. I usually prefer travelling to warmer climate, but to see the Northern Lights have always been a dream for me. This is definitely on my bucket list.