Travelling With Your Significant Other (so)

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I fondly recall the days when I was traveling with my girlfriend at the time. We got to know a lot of new places and it's great to share those experiences with the ones we love. Meanwhile we had two kids and traveling is now different as it is more expensive and it has to be somewhat kid oriented.
Traveling with someone else whether it is a friend, girlfriend, wife, significant other is always part of the fun. Not only getting to share the experience with another person but the closeness that develops is something additional that you just can't get by yourself.
When it comes to traveling you start to realize that it is about the shared moments more and more. It is just not the same seeing something on your own versus seeing something with someone that you really care about and love. I would like to think that I am just in the beginning stages of traveling with my wife, and I certainly plan to go as many places as possible with her while I have the chance.
In all honesty, I prefer travelling alone because I find the experience more thrilling. I get to do everything I want to do without having to consider it if a traveling partner would agree or not. But I can make an exception when it comes to my significant other. The problem is she doesn't share my enthusiasm for traveling so I find it annoying sometimes. But if she says she wants to tag along in any of my trips, I'd be more than glad to allow her to come along.
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