Where do you want to go abroad?


New Member
Although we live in a beautiful country full of culture and traditions with a fair amount of down sides, we still have some urge to go abroad and it is natural, as people want to explore other countries and experience the different things abroad. I am also yet to go abroad and the first on my list is US, after this I think the rest will follow!

Where do you want to go abroad?
I would love to go to Mauritius, the place looks simply amazing, beautiful sea, beautiful accommodation some even right on the sea, where there is a staircase which goes straight into the sea...:)
Lets wish my future husband takes me there....fingers crossed!
I have always wanted to go on a two-three year world tour but I do not have that kind of money. I have been saving so hopefully one day I would get a chance to visit most if not all the countries of the world so for now it is mostly surrounding areas of Delhi :)
I want to eventually go and settle in Australia, dont now how it would happen but something I wish to do. It is a country which is better than US, Canada and UK, but I would also like to visit US and Canada and see how they actually differ.
I would love to go and see Europe, explore the countries and see how its culture and lifestyle is different from the other countries.
My cousin lives in Australia and he is someone who has lived a while in US and UK an now settled in Australia, and from what he says Australia is supposed to the best countries to live in, the people, surroundings and living standard is much better than the other, so yep Australia is a country I want to go to.
I have traveled to many countries in the west and some Asian countries too but never had a chance to go to Nepal and Bhutan. Bhutan is on my priority list and second Nepal. I have missed the opportunity of seeing the beautiful temples that god damaged in the recent earthquake which is such a shame really. I would have loved to see Nepal in its full glory with all those ancient temples still intact but cannot do much now. I hope the people of Nepal rise once again and bring the nation back to its former glory.

Bhutan is where I want to go the most and I am planning to drive to Bhutan instead of taking a flight. Hopefully as this forum gets more members we can plan a road trip to Bhutan one day.
I don't really want to go anywhere outside of India, it may seem a lie to many, but I believe that India is a country which is different every so km's. You will see a different way of living, eating and culture and there is no much to see that it would take some time to see all of it.
Africa is the country I want to visit, it has a lot of culture and natural wildlife to see. Another on the list Rio where I want to go and see the famous carnival.
Australia is on the top of my list, I have seen USA (New Jersey) and didn't really like it, where as Australia seems like more of a better place to visit and possibly live in.
I wish to go to Bhutan for an extended holiday for at least three to four months if I ever get a chance. I am hoping to do this within the next two years.
Bhutan is another country on my wish list too, but the accommodation there is quite costly, I don't know the reasons but they must be good. Nepal was also a country which I wanted to visit but many part of it has got ruined because of the recent earthquakes. I hope the country does well and tourists will restart visiting the country again.
I would like to go to USA and then Australia and when going USA I would like to go to each state to experience and see the difference.

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In addition to India, I have Egypt and Japan on my immediate list. Unfortunately, it seems that I won't be getting to Egypt until things start to settle down there. I also have a sister in Saudi Arabia that I'd like to go and visit within the next couple of years.
I have been to Japan it is definitely a beautiful place. I was an exchange student so I got to experience the school life which was way different from how we do things in the United States. For one instead of the student changing classes the teachers do, there is no buses all students walk to school and lunch is like an hour long where you can eat and hang out outside the school if wanted to.
Oh man, so many places. I've done a lot of travel in Asia already, but I would like to visit Singapore (I've only been through the airport in transit to other vacation destinations!) I'd also love to go back to New Zealand - it's so beautiful there. Canada is another place on my list, and South America would be cool. I've had a few friends visit South America and they say it's so much fun - lots to see and do.
Although we live in a beautiful country full of culture and traditions with a fair amount of down sides, we still have some urge to go abroad and it is natural, as people want to explore other countries and experience the different things abroad. I am also yet to go abroad and the first on my list is US, after this I think the rest will follow!

Where do you want to go abroad?

I totally agree with you! It seems like such a good experience! Let's be honest though, it costs thousands of dollars! More than than a flight to Hawaii! I'd rather go there. It's so beautiful! I mean obviously, if I would be given that opportunity, I would go. Say I get a savings account and save it for years! Then after years, I'll deposit it and get my money, then I'll go on that trip I've been dying for!
My next travel destination is definitely going to be Thailand. I've always wanted to visit Thailand and is on my bucket list for places to travel to.
Right now I'm thinking of going to Singapore. It's a country in my region that doesn't need a visa plus they have universal studios and sentosa island. I'm currently saving up for a ticket and I'm pretty excited to get a taste of hawker food as well.