Hello there!
The White Rhinoceros or the Square-Lipped Rhinoceros can only be found in Africa. About 98% of their population are in just five countries: South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Uganda. There are two kinds of white rhinos: the Southern one and the Northern one.
In 2001, about 11,600 Southern White Rhinos were in the wild. By 2007, it has increased to about 17,000 Southern white rhinos. The Southern white rhinos have the biggest number out of all the other types of rhinos.
Unfortunately, due to poaching, many of the wild Northern White Rhinos are gone now. There were six Northern white rhinos in captivity in the Dvur Kralove Zoo in Czech Republic. Four were transferred to the Ol Pejeta Conservatory in Kenya. One of the two rhinos died in Czech Republic though. The last two males capable of reproduction also died in 2014. Now, there are only three Northern white rhinos remaining.
In order to conserve the near extinction Northern white rhino species, the conservatory has introduced two Southern white rhinos in the park. They are hoping that the competition between the two rhinos will increase the chances of them mating. They are hoping that they can cross-breed the sub-species.
The major difference between the Black Rhinoceros and the White Rhinoceros is their lips, not their colour. The Black Rhino has pointed lips, as its diet consists mostly of trees and bushes and they need their pointed lips to pluck the leaves and fruits. The White Rhinoceros has a square shaped lips as their diet consists mostly of grasses. The square shaped lips help them graze the grasses easily.
You won't be able to find White Rhinoceroses in India, as far as I know. Like I've mentioned, you can only find them in certain countries in Africa,
I hope this helps!