Why Cant People Go For Holidays

Travelling can be a way to build confidence, and exploring new surroundings, meeting new people is often the way people begin to realise just how much life as to offer.

While due to family and work commitments it might not be possible to just fly off anywhere and everywhere just like that, with a bit of planning I think it can still be done.
Very interesting. I came to this site wanting to see how someone would go about promoting India. Let's face it, India isn't the first place that comes to mind when you think travel, but since I stopped in at general discussion, I came across a forum that wasn't so much about India, instead it was a debate on whether or not travelling is affordable. So I stopped and read a few posts. 'And you know what? You're right. If you really want to travel, you can find a way, it depends on the amount of priority you place on it. I think what people are envious of, is not just your frequent travels. but what they perceive as the ease with which you do it. (This is directed at the post that launched the thread by the way). It is not just a lack of money that people feel, it is the inability to get time off of work, or for some, to get an international passport (cause really, do you think that they are jealous of your trip to the neighboring city? No, they are jealous of worldwide travel or at least travel outside of their own country) maybe they have a family that will not understand them spending what they have on a trip. People have a lot of resons that they can't just pick up and travel, be thankful your lifestyle allows you to and stop putting down people who say how lucky you are. OK, I got that off my chest.

On the flip side, I was a little inspired by that post. A man came into the place I work not that long ago and told me about cut rate cruises people can take. And they are extremely affordable. It seems that there is a way to book onto cruises on short notice and they cost very little. These are all expense paid cruises, the only thing you have to to is pay for your way to where the ship sails. The cruise is probably two person occupancy and he told me about packages for five to seven days that cost as little as $300. These cruises include food and drinks so all you pay is getting to the ship and any tips or things you want to buy at various destinations. So ya, if you put a little effort into it and find ways to get to the destination at a reasonable cost, and it can be done, a great trip could be just around the corner. Thank you everyone who posted, for reminding me of this.
I think sometimes the person does not think they will be able to or it is too much hard work and is going to mean they have to go out of their comfort zone, which will mean adjusting to a new environment and trying things out which they have not or different foods even. It is important to try and get some fresh air and go out of the area you live in from time to time and clear your mind which can be stressed just from doing the same thing or living in the same place and you may learn some new things in your travels. I think that budgeting is important and see what the costs are if flying in a plane, as there could be some cheap rates and you can benefit from that and have enough to spend while you are touring the country or even just the city you travelling to.
Budgeting is very important when it comes to travelling but people should realise that it doesn't have to cost a fortune to have a good time in a different country.

There will be a lot to see and do that doesn't cost anything and I think with a little bit of planning, travelling on a limited budget is doable if a person puts their mind to it.
People often think that the others live better than them. Thats why they can go on vacations, buy magazines, books, go to the cinema or theater. But its all about budgeting. If you are middle class and barely getting out of your salary but you want something really really bad you will work for it.

You will work and save money for years so you can go on vacation in every 5 years, or buy a new pair of fancy pants.
I think people will have different priorities and while it's important to pay the bills and try and save for the future, at the same time people also need fun in their lives also.

There's no point in working every hour God sends and not enjoying life. Travelling is important in broadening people's horizons and if they don't travel they're missing out on what the world as to offer.

That's right. I have never heard of anyone at the end of their life saying "gee, I wish I had worked more!"

It's usually regrets like "I wish I had seen more of the world" or "I wish I had spent more time with my family" or things of that nature.

Don't get me wrong, work is a necessary evil, but I think having balance is a wonderful thing!
The thing about travelling is, there's always baggage literally and figuratively. For one if you have family they all want to come along with you and that can be a detriment. My family members don't stick to schedules, don't pack lightly or just want to sit around while I like to look around the city because that's what travelling is for, right? It's true we all have the time and money but certain responsibilities can hold you back, some have anxiety, some don't have the right VISA, some can't get accomodations (have you tried just winging it in some random town? It's not great. Sometimes you need to bring your own tent because they don't have hotels or it's in the middle of the night and every door you knock on thinks you're a thief). Yes, this is all from personal experience.
I'm tired of people saying, "You're so lucky, Tanmaya. You travel so much!"
Here's the blunt truth- I'm not lucky. You're lazy. You've so throughly resigned to the rut of your routine, that you've started finding it comfortable. You even go on to make silly excuses to justify your lethargy.

"I don't have the money."

Really, now? Tell me which ever city you live in and I'll tell you at least 5 day trips that you can make with a frugal budget.
Your lack of finances is rooting from your unwillingness to save or a difference of priorities. If my news feed is full of pictures of you drinking at a new bar every week, I'm sorry, I don't see the poverty line you're living under.

"I don't have the time."

Now this one may he genuinely true for some extremely busy people, but for most people I know, it's again a sad excuse exposing their inability to manage time efficiently. You shake that procrastination off and you'll find the time. I promise.

Traveling doesn't need any resource more than it needs your willingness. If you want to go places, just leave! It's really that simple.
One being a lazy may not be the reason that one doesn't get to travel. An individual may not be interested in traveling or it may just be a situation where the work at the workplace takes precedence over leisure time for traveling. As it stands I work 6 days a week and I have a few more months before I'm entitled to apply for vacation leave. I am basically trapped but I've done a lot of traveling locally in my country anyhow.
I understand where OP is coming from but it is definitely not always as easy as OP paints it. Sure, some people do make up excuses, and it is truly their fault, but travel requires a specific mindset not everybody has and even with the right mindset external factors might still be an issue.

I also don't see why you get so mad at people saying you're lucky for traveling. Maybe I'm naive but it doesn't seem to me like they mean anything wrong by it,
I don't really do much of the traveling I want to at the moment because I have 3 small children under the age of 5. One that I just had 3 months ago. But like you said there is always something close by that you can do. A holiday doesn't have to be a month long trip to some far away land. We hike a lot at our local wildlife reservation. And are saving up to for a big vacation in a few years when the little ones get old enough to stay with a sitter for a few days. No excuse! If you want something bad enough you will find a way to make it happen.