Would You Travel To India With A Friend?

Personally I'd rather travel with friends than my partner! I think sometimes travelling can be pretty stressful and if your in a relationship with the person your travelling with, that can put added pressure on your relationship.

Travelling with a friend though instead, you won't take things as seriously and any issues that do come up, will tend not to lead in to a blazing row, and one of you storming off. Your more likely to work together to sort things out.
Though, one thing I forgot to mention is that you might want to be careful about how well you know those friends before you decide to go on a trip with them. Make sure you know how they are with money, how much time they take, etc. It's best to have it all planned out and know exactly what you're getting yourself into.
Yeah, although I'd be just as willing to travel alone. I think it might be good company, I only plan a short trip to India in 2016 anyway. I couldn't afford to pay for us both though so I'd also go with him if he paid for his own plane tickets and accommodation.
Yeah, although I'd be just as willing to travel alone. I think it might be good company, I only plan a short trip to India in 2016 anyway. I couldn't afford to pay for us both though so I'd also go with him if he paid for his own plane tickets and accommodation.

Oh yes, I'd never be able to afford for someone else to go with me. They'd have to be willing to pay for everything they needed on their own. I could see splitting the price for some things, but that's as far as I would go about it.
You know briannagodess does bring up a good point, and it is a good little warning to anyone out there. I have only really had positive experiences, so I guess I am lucky, but I can definitely see a scenario when two people think that they know each other and then have to live together and things change quickly. Just make sure you know who you are dealing with.
Travel with anyone, travel with a friend, travel alone. I think we primarily travel for the memory and the experience-- you have to make it work with the people who you want to be with. Travelling with a friend in New York is great, travelling with your family to India will also have different qualities to the experience. I think the perfect place to travel alone is the Shinto region in Japan where Buddhism thrives.
I would only travel to another country with someone I really trust. Recalling abroad can be dangerous and you don't want your vacation to turn into a horror story.
I'd go with friends who are all male. It's not just in India. I would go to any country with my closest male friends because I would want to be safe. Anywhere we go, there's always a risk of running into trouble so surrounding myself with people who genuinely care would definitely make this a more fun experience. Plus, most of my friends are guys and would definitely not mind an adventure in India. Nature trips would definitely be a good way to have fun in the country.
I would ONLY travel to India with a friend. I wouldn't feel good visiting such a different foreign country without a support system, and in that case it would be either a friend or a family member. But I don't think I'd go to any other country without someone, I'm too much of a coward haha
Some people think it's boring to travel alone, and ideal to bring along a friend, loved one, or family member. I'm not biased against and form of travel. If the friend that I have is responsible, and I don't have to take care of them like a baby, then yes I can travel with a friend with no problem.

Some friends are just to immature by choice and can make problems easily, and getting into abroad because of your friend is not something that you want to happen.
Just a simple question. When I went, I went with my girlfriend. Would you go traveling with your friend though?
Oh yes! that is the best way to travel. I've traveled with every kind of companion you can imagine, from family to friends to boyfriends, but the trips that I have taken with my friends have always been the craziest and best. I can't quite figure the reason out, but it might have to do with the fact that when you're with friends there is less pressure and you can relax more than you would probably with a boyfriend or family issues.
Yes, I will prefer travelling with a friend instead of travelling with relative. I will choose to travel with a friend whom we share common interests. A friend can help you whenever you get sick or you need any other assistance. It will also be easier to move around whenever you are with a friend.
I would travel either by myself, with a spouse or relative and especially friends. I really do not want to travel to another country by myself if I can keep from it. I would also would like to go with someone that has preferably already that has already been there and knows the lay of the land. I am already going to be an outsider there. I would love to go with someone that can show me around, or maybe already have someone there waiting on me, that I can trust that will help me. I really just want to make sure that I have an enjoyable time when I go. I can't do that alone.