Would You Travel To India With A Friend?

I don't see why you couldn't travel with a friend. Many of my friends travel together to different places and enjoy themselves. I think if you are of like minds and share a love of travel it would be an enjoyable adventure.
There are a few friends I would travel with before I'd travel with family, ha ha ha!! I have two friends in particular that I would travel pretty much anywhere with, although my first choice of a travel partner would still be my husband (awww).
I would travel with close family if I was traveling without a group, as family holidays are for family. Some of my fondest memories are on holiday with my family, as you know family and they know you. I prefer traveling without a group as it dilutes the holiday experience as I prefer for my family holidays to just be with family.

However, if I was going to travel with a group, I would prefer to travel alone than with friends. While being alone on a bustling street can be a bit unnerving, I find that I quickly overcome that feeling. I prefer to make friends inside the group, even if it's just for the week. Many of my friends have found true love while traveling, and I hope I will find some soon too! Even if I don't find love, you can find a good friend in a group, although finding friends on a trip isn't really for everyone.
If I was to travel to India I would want to take my girlfriend. I think it would be more fun this way. I know I could meet up with some other guys but it wouldn't be the same fro me. I would rather have fun with her and do things that we like in common.
I've been thinking about visiting India this year some time, and if given the choice I would like to travel with someone who has already been there or that I know who lives there already (as a guide) rather than going with someone who has never been there before, or someone who might not show me the best places to go and things to see when I am there. The more educational and experienced the guide or travel companion, the better. That isn't to say that I wouldn't consider traveling there with someone who had never been there before that is an experienced traveler or someone that I just get along with really well that has things together, but just from experience with visiting other places in different circumstances, my preference would be for the person to know where they are going to be able to show me the way.
I think any time you travel, you have to try and find someone that will be compatible with your own travel style. So yes, I would travel with a friend - but I think it would have to be a friend that is pretty relaxed and not stressed out. Nothing worse than going on a vacation but it being super stressful. I think a lot of the time travel can make or break a friendship because you are trying to do so many things that it can be a high-pressure environment!
I would most definitely travel with a friend. I'm more of a loner in general, it's just my personality, but I have some very great friends that I wouldn't mind travelling with. They'll also help keep me out of trouble ;). It also depends largely on what one plans to do- soul searching? That's a one-man job. Partying, food tourism? That can be, and should be, done with friends.
I have traveled with my boyfriend and I have also traveled with my best friend. I think I had a lot more fun traveling with my best friend. We had a lot of things to talk about and laugh about. We have the same interests and enjoy doing the same things. It seemed when I traveled with my boy friend all he was interested in was eating. We had to stop everywhere so he could eat.
Yes I would if the friend I was traveling with liked to do the same things as I do. I think when you travel and want to enjoy your vacation it's important to travel with a person that likes the same things as you do. This way you both can have a good time. You can suggest a few adventures and they can suggest some too. Normally there is no fighting in cases like this.
I am traveling with a group of friends and we are looking forward to the visit. The more the merrier is the adage that we would like to go with, and we have traveled to many places together. Nothing beats having fun with friends.
I have always found that travelling with others has both its advantages and disadvantages, just like anything. It is always nice to have someone or a group of people to share an experience with and to talk about years down the road, but it is also a bit of an inconvenience sometimes because you have to worry about them and it is harder to accomodate a group then just a few people.
When I was unmarried, I never traveled with girls. I could not take risks related to unmarried couple. Having said that I have taken short travel with girls. Now that I am married, I am always traveling with my wife. During my bachelorhood state I traveled with boys though.
To be honest, I've only travelled with either my husband and son or my family (my sister and mother). Travelling with family has its merits since you know each other all too well. You have lived in one house and you know exactly the quirks and whatnots of one another. You know you can tell each other if someone's being a diva or not, lol.

But with a friend, there is still that line. You haven't lived with each other in one house. You don't know exactly how this other person behaves in his or her house. You might end up losing the friendship if you have arguments in the travel you've done.
I have tried travelling with a friend and a group of friends before (for the lack of an other-half or special someone to go with) and each journey varied depending on the friend/s I was with. Nevertheless, if you're going with friends, make sure you have the same sense of adventure or you'll have trouble compromising what you want with what the other party wants.
I love travelling with friends, so I definitely wouldn't have any problem with it. I believe travelling with friends is even easier than travelling with a spouse because you don't have to be as worried about keeping them happy the whole time.