Best And Worst Travel Partners?

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After reading your post I can certainly see why you font tend to go on holiday with them all anymore, that's for sure!

Growing up I was quiet lucky as I'm an only child so it was usually just the three of us, although I am all to familiar with not being able to go where you want part.
My favorite travel partner is unfortunately my ex-girlfriend. It was year of 2011 when we hooked up, and stayed together for the next 3 years. We were dreaming of going together to a vacation for such a long time, but we were simply too young. When we finally had an oppurtunity to go with my grandma we were so thrilled! Grandma wasn't even in the same hotel with us, and we had the greatest time of our lives in those 10 days, it was magical. After that, somehow it all went downhill really fast, as one smart man once said "it's amazing how a minute of hatred can ruin years of love". God, I really loved that girl, sometimes I still think that i do. She is impossible to forget. I really hope someday i will have a new travel partner to give me company like she did.

I can't name my worst travel partner, because I never had one. Everyone that i ever traveled with was more than fun!
Well, for me the best and worst travel partners are my family. Here is why they are the best:

1. They are very generous. My mother is especially generous when it comes to trips. She makes sure we eat the best food and stay in the better hotels. We also get a pocket money to buy what we want.
2. Comfortable. Since they are my family, I can snore, drool, do disgusting things and they won't laugh at me lol.
3. Fun to be with. We can talk about anything under the sun and laugh at silly things!

Why are they the worst?

1. They pick weird places sometimes. At times, I don't really want to go to a certain place but I have to since they paid for that trip.:p
2. Fights are inevitable. When we are hungry or lost, we can't help but get irritated at each other.
3. Picture picture! Ah, how I hate mandatory camera shots!

Anyway, this was back when I was little. Now, I travel more with my husband. But I still go on some trips with my family too!
I think your right and a lot of people stress about things when they don't go exactly to plan.

Even if they don't then just ride with it sand make the most of the situation. At the end of the day if something doesn't go right, then panicking and stressing over it won't make a difference.

Absolutely, all holidays are subject to small alterations for a variety of reasons and the unexpected opportunities these changes give us are of great use if you use your time creatively to find other activities to take part in. I always have a few extra things I would like to do when I go to India in case I happen to end up with a spare day unexpectedly. Theres a lot to see and usually something local you can do. Its best to have a plan 'B' in case things don't work out as expected.
When things go wrong at the time it might seem like the end of the world but looking back on a holiday when things didn't go to plan can often provide a funny story to tell people about.

As long as it's not something like the wing falling off your plane seconds before take off or anything like that of course!
Once I traveled a bunch of pensioners as a young adult or teenager at that time. I swear to god I was the only passenger under 50 years old. It was a few day long trip around Europe and it wasn't my best experience, to tell you the truth.
Once I traveled a bunch of pensioners as a young adult or teenager at that time. I swear to god I was the only passenger under 50 years old. It was a few day long trip around Europe and it wasn't my best experience, to tell you the truth.

I can only assume that you didn't realise who else was going to be on the tour? soon as I turned up and saw them all I'd have been asking for a refund to be honest!
Oh well, something like this was in my head too. Sadly it was a gift from a family member, but she doesn' think that through. It was an April, and in europe only pensioners travel in the spring usually.
My favourite people to travel with are my partner and a friend that I met in India. They are pretty similar to me in outlook and personality which really helps avoid stress and arguments!

Generally I prefer to travel with people who have similar wants from the trip- to see important historical or cultural sights but not NEED to see EVERYTHING! Usually we each choose some things that we definitely don't want to miss then just take everything else as it comes. It's been a good system so far!
My favourite people to travel with are my partner and a friend that I met in India. They are pretty similar to me in outlook and personality which really helps avoid stress and arguments!

Generally I prefer to travel with people who have similar wants from the trip- to see important historical or cultural sights but not NEED to see EVERYTHING! Usually we each choose some things that we definitely don't want to miss then just take everything else as it comes. It's been a good system so far!

That sounds like the way I like to travel with people too. That idea of having some absolute must sees, but being happy to just wing the rest and see what eventuates is big for me. I like having some structure (so I'm not just clueless about what to do!) but some level of free time and no planned activities so that I can just go with the flow. I think it's a happy medium!
@amelia88 Yes, I do like to do some research about where I'm going so I don't regret missing out on something amazing! Generally though it's fun to just explore and see what you find!
I think any travel can be stressful. Nothing ever goes according to plan! I think the best travel partners would be someone who can make light in almost any situation and roll with whatever comes at them. Someone who can take a deep breath and then try to think of a solution. So basically, someone like me! Ha Ha Ha!
From my experience, it's best to travel with someone who likes to experience the same things as you. I like to constantly be moving but to also get in a lot of relaxing time. My daughter and my boyfriend are the same way.

We used to take a lot of family trips when I was younger and I hated them. My main problem was that my step dad and older siblings wanted to spend all of their time seeing historical things. That wasn't exactly a priority to me when I was ten.
I am not convinced that travelling with friends is always better than with strangers. I have had good and bad experiences with people I know.

Probably the worst overall was the guy who seemed happy with the plans we made, which were mostly budget friendly but included the odd 'must do regardless of cost' thing. Once we arrived he decides to tell me he is actually flat broke, so could do nothing except sit around on the beach.
If I'm to travel somewhere, I'd pick up someone who's either a travel enthusiast or has some motivation. And, of course, is capable of paying on his own.
If I'm to travel somewhere, I'd pick up someone who's either a travel enthusiast or has some motivation. And, of course, is capable of paying on his own.

Oh yes - paying on their own is definitely an important thing! You don't want to agree to travel with someone only to end up subsidising their trip because they can't afford it! I'm not on a huge travel budget myself - I have to scrimp and save to go on my vacations - so I wouldn't be able to afford having to pay someone else's way!
I don't like sharing rooms with sloppy people. I'm a bit of a neat freak, so I sort of get a bit bent out of shape when I'm dealing with untidy people.
I've travelled with my brother in the past - he's a pretty good companion to be fair, though I think this is partly because I'm the oldest and he's used to me being in charge and just doing as I say! We shared a room as kids, so sharing a room abroad is not much different. He's also excellent at sniffing out bargains which I take full advantage of.
I actually have a good group of friends who I often travel with. We've known each other since we were kids, so we all get along pretty well. I would feel lost if I travelled without them.
What do you look for in a travel partner?

I've only travelled with family or friends - and even then we have had personality clashes and arguments when we have been on trips together. I think sometimes travel causes some heightened stress and as a result it can be frustrating - or little things get on your nerves that wouldn't usually bother you.

Have you ever had any disaster stories about travel companions? Or any wonderful success stories you would like to share?

I do not travel very often, although I will say when I travel there are a few characteristics I would want my companion to have. First I would want to bring someone who wouldn't panic in a high pressure situation mainly like being lost. And second I would want someone who doesn't mope and complain all the time because if you go somewhere and your companion doesn't enjoy the place all that much then I wouldn't want a negative Nancy around me most of the time taking away my fun just because he or she isn't having any.
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