Best And Worst Travel Partners?

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I've enjoyed travelling with people who are energetic and open minded. Athletic has been a plus for me because we get to free-run or climb into areas with great views on previous trips. We all know that one guy who doesn't want to do anything because he thinks it's boring or a waste of time. We came all this way for holiday!! Let's go out and explore!!
I do not travel very often, although I will say when I travel there are a few characteristics I would want my companion to have. First I would want to bring someone who wouldn't panic in a high pressure situation mainly like being lost. And second I would want someone who doesn't mope and complain all the time because if you go somewhere and your companion doesn't enjoy the place all that much then I wouldn't want a negative Nancy around me most of the time taking away my fun just because he or she isn't having any.
I would agree that it is of no use to anyone to be travelling with a person that panics or moans, but a balance must be struck.

When I was just out of school, I went travelling around Europe with a friend who I knew fairly well, but had never spent more than a couple of nights in a row with. We planned our journey very loosely and as such we did not have accommodation planned for each leg of the trip. A night came when we could not find a room at all. To his credit, my friend did not complain, but then we were approached by some very dangerous looking guys asking if we wanted to stay with them. They offered us drugs and said we could stay for free, and my friend was so laid back and unbiased he said yes!

I dragged him aside and told him definitely not and so we ended up sleeping in a train station instead. In that situation I would have much preferred someone more wary and focused, he was far too chilled, so much so that it could have put us in peril.

I would definitely recommend taking a short trip with a travel partner first before embarking on a long journey, to gauge what type of travel partner they will be.
Based on my experience, I find that the best people to travel with are those who can adjust to different situations. Things don't always go according to plan and sometimes, we need to adapt to the given situation. This one time, I was travelling in the mountains with some of my friends, some of them are first timers, It was the peak season and there were no more rooms/inns available on the foot of the mountain range. So there was no other choice but to camp out. Some of the girls freaked out because they aren't used to sleeping in tents. I was kind of annoyed because I already told them beforehand that it's a possibility because it was the peak season. It's a good thing that one of the locals was kind enough and offered his house. Well, he didn't exactly offered. He was more like coerced. I used all my charms and my wit, not to mention I almost bribed him so that he'll agree to let 8 strangers stay in his house.
Sometimes though you can take all the precautions you can think of, and think you know that person inside out only to find they can be a nightmare to travel with.

While I agree that maybe spending a short period of time with them to check them out could help, even then though it will be a totally different situation than going long distance, and for a significant period of time.
It's difficult to know if you'll be compatible travelling partners until you're a few days into your journey, which by that time is probably too late. Best just to stick to someone you've already been travelling with than risk it with an unknown quantity.
Had to travel to another city locally, so nothing too international, but the guy (my classmate, but still) kept wanting to drink from my water bottle. I was like.. dude, get your own bottle! But he didn't want to. He kept insisting and finally I gave him the bottle, then licked the opening of the bottle, then casually handed it back to me. Some people have no sense of personal space, and that was the last time I traveled with a guy to places. It's easier with girls because they are actually neater and know the space.
Had to travel to another city locally, so nothing too international, but the guy (my classmate, but still) kept wanting to drink from my water bottle. I was like.. dude, get your own bottle! But he didn't want to. He kept insisting and finally I gave him the bottle, then licked the opening of the bottle, then casually handed it back to me. Some people have no sense of personal space, and that was the last time I traveled with a guy to places. It's easier with girls because they are actually neater and know the space.

You should have tipped the water bottle over his head, shown him that two can play games like that, haha!

As for females being easier to travel with, I'm not sure that's always the case, as some can be a bit high maintenance, especially when it comes to them not being able to get their own way, as can often happen when travelling.
I'm not really high maintenance but perhaps if there's anything that I wouldn't like in a travel partner, it's someone who'd rummage through my things and borrow anything without asking. I won't also like anyone who'd make me pay for everything. I'm welcome to sharing the expenses but really, I have things to buy too and paying for my partner's expensive things is not my cup of tea.
My travel companions are usually with my friends and siblings. In some of those travels, there are complete strangers. Complete strangers in the sense that I don't know some of them personally. The usual core group is my sister and two of her colleagues from work. Then, I tag along with my sister, and another officemate takes a friend, or a cousin. At first, I thought I would have difficulty getting along with them because I'm an introvert. But that's the beauty of traveling that I come to enjoy. I meet new people, and funny because of that, we've ended up checking on each other's schedules for the next travel destination. If the next travel destination happens to be same destination we dig, then we agree to travel together again. From my travels, the ability to adjust with your companions is key to a fun travel experience. I guess, I've learned to do that over the years.
I'm not really high maintenance but perhaps if there's anything that I wouldn't like in a travel partner, it's someone who'd rummage through my things and borrow anything without asking. I won't also like anyone who'd make me pay for everything. I'm welcome to sharing the expenses but really, I have things to buy too and paying for my partner's expensive things is not my cup of tea.

I think that could happen quite easily aswell, as if you know that person well enough to go travelling with them, they might also assume that they know you well enough to share your things. That would have to be one of the ground rules you set, before you set off on your travels, ask before you borrow!
Someone that has the same common interests as me. If we are going to be alone for an extended period of time I really can't deal with someone that's totally different. Someone that I can easily talk about things too and confide in. Someone who also knows when to be quiet too -- a trip can easily be ruined by a chatterbox.
Someone that has the same common interests as me. If we are going to be alone for an extended period of time I really can't deal with someone that's totally different. Someone that I can easily talk about things too and confide in. Someone who also knows when to be quiet too -- a trip can easily be ruined by a chatterbox.

Finding the perfect travel partner is always going to be tricky, and while I agree with you, I think that having somebody too similar could also cause issues aswell.

You also want somebody that will push and pull you out of your comfort zone aswell, because after all, travelling should also be about adventure.
Best travel partners, in my opinion, are the ones who know traveling isn't about staying in your hotel room. Of course some days you might not feel like getting up and going out, but it's a trip and you shouldn't waste all your time doing the exact same thing you'd do at home. The worst travel partners are the lazy ones and the ones who take too much risk for no reason. Once I've traveled with a friend who thought going out in the middle of the night to see how London looked would be a good idea. Nothing happened but I was scared to death.
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