When I was younger, I used to do a lot of shopping whenever I travel. But nowadays, as much as possible, I don't go shopping. And I find that I was able to save a lot of my pocket money. Sticking to the budget really helps a lot. You need to have a lot of control not to buy anything that you see even though they're a bargain. There's one time that I bought a piece of every little trinket that I saw. All were cheaply priced. But when I totaled my expenses, I found out that I went over my budget.
When we travel anywhere and we find goods at bargain prices, I think that most of us tend to go a bit wild and purchase more than we should. Some people specifically go abroad just to do that, and they'll hardly take anything with them and buy a lot of items in the destination country especially to bring back home with them though.
I'm not sure if people would travel all the way to India just to do that though?
Well, it doesn't really have to do anything with the place.Basing on my experience, whenever there's a bazaar or a flea market, even if I don't have plans on buying anything, I tend to buy stuff, even though I do not need them. I think most girls like me are like that. Shopping is life. HA!HA!
I think that budgeting when travelling can be particularly hard, especially if your going to a country that you've never been to before.
One of the main ways that I've saved recently, and this may sound a bit selfish, is I've not brought anyone any gifts back from the countries I've been. Personally I'd rather spend a little extra on myself and my holiday than on some cheap and tacky souvenir that people probably didn't really want anyway.
Honestly, another thing to consider is bringing small gifts to India to give out. If you plan to meet a lot of people, perhaps work with the poor, or go to the rural areas, little gifts should be budgeted for. Even something as simple as stickers to hand out to kids is a great and simple thing to give. Budget one or two dollars a day for these sorts of things, and you will find your trip is a lot more rewarding.
That's not actually an idea that I'd thought if before, but I can definitely see how it could help on a trip.
Most people, including myself, will take souvenirs back home that they won't be able to find, so doing it the other way aswell, is definitely something to think about. The only restriction of course might be the luggage limit, but other than that there's no reason not to.