Understanding Camping In India


New Member
I've seen some discussions taking place about camping in India and I wanted to get some clarification regarding what it's like. In the U.S, we have many different kinds of campgrounds and you can usually find a choice anywhere you go. Some have facilities (bathrooms, showers, etc.) and others are more rustic. Are there places specifically for camping in India and, if so, what types of amenities (I use that term loosely) do they have there? Also, do they offer camping gear for rent?
Camping isint as big in India as it is in the US. You can rent camping equipment but choice of where you can camp are limited. Camping sites are nothing like what you get in the US so come with an open mind :)

Camping in India has taken a rise these recent years. Many tourist organisations and agencies offer such an experience of camping in the wild because it's a one-of-a-kind experience. You can even opt for camping tour packages through these agencies. However, not all camps provide the specific amenities you might need.

Are there places specifically for camping in India and, if so, what types of amenities (I use that term loosely) do they have there? Also, do they offer camping gear for rent?

There are some camping sites in India that offer the tourists some kind of amenities. Here's a few that I know of:

  • Rishikesh. You can camp at the foothill of the Himalayas which is always a nice experience. The tents offered here are made of canvas. Hot meals and tea/coffee are served as well. If you travel along with a group, then you can also make use of the camp games that they offer. Unfortunately, there's no electricity in this camp site, so that's one downside.
  • Neora Valley. The site is located at about 6,000 feet and offers a view of the Kanchenjunga Peak. If you don't like staying in tents, then consider the rooms around the camp site. Home cooked meals are also served here. There's also a nearby market you can visit.
  • Serai Luxury Camp. As you can guess from its name, it's a camp that's a little different than an average one. A standard suite tent is about 1,000 square feet, it has its own bathroom, sink and sleeping area. There's even food, massage and heating if you want those.
  • Kasol. Camp sites here offer beddings as well as food, music and bonfire. It's also easy to access the nearby village from here.
I hope this helps!
What's the rules or any safety issues on just doing it yourself in nonofficial areas? I carry a one man tent just in case I get stuck without anywhere while on my travels . Has saved me sleeping in a bush many a time!
First of all, if you have extensively camped in the United States or in Europe for that matter, don't expect to find similar amenities when you go camping in India. Camping is not as popular in India compared to the United States. With that said, some amenities may be lacking when you decide to go camping in the country.
I guess if camping in India is nowhere near as popular as It is in NorthAmerica and Europe, you have to take your own iniciative venturing into the wilderness and don't expect much amenities, but that is a little tradeoff to endure when you can enjoy the sight of serene places that are just perfect for some star gazing, like the outskirts of Jaisalmer or mystic Sangla Valley in Ladakh. A word of advice though, given India is a tropical country, carry along some mosquito repellent, and sunscreen too.
Well I think that if you are planning on camping anywhere, you should have a rather intricate knowledge of the land and the surroundings. With that, you need to do your research both for safety purposes and for enjoyment purposes. There are also legal issues, because I know we almost got into trouble when we traveled in Italy for camping somewhere that it was not allowed. Just be careful and do your research.
In India camping may be a new concept to some people as it is not well known and if doing this make sure the area is safe for you and you may not find facilities like in other countries so going with others may be beneficial and you can have a fun time as well in the process, it is interesting to try this way of living when travelling around as you get to see nature as well. I would suggest to buy things you need beforehand as the place you go to may not have the things and check if there are any animals nearby or insects as the last thing you want to wake up to is a snake or something staring at you in the face which will leave you shocked and take time to think what your next form of action is going to be. I think the time you go can be a big factor as well as the weather can affect how long you stay outside so take something which can be waterproof and also have a map of the area and food and water as you may not have water which is clean in some areas, so best to take bottle ones as you can be assured they are going to be safe knowing they are clean as well.
Honestly, Indians are kind of alien to the concept of camping out in the open! They prefer to stay in hotels and other accommodations. It's the youngsters in India that are bringing this camping to the front. There aren't many facilities that you might be looking for. At least, not yet.
I was wondering about what @dane said as well. @calicer1996 or @Chahal do either of you have any thoughts or answers on the question of just putting up a tent somewhere that is not a designated area? People in the US can do this, and often times if it is an open field area, no one minds too much. If it is posted, or known to be owned (such as when you can see a house nearby), or government land, it is always best to check for permission first. But many farmers will even let you camp on their land if you are on a long road trip, etc, provided they know you are there and you don't do any damage. Would Indians be receptive to this kind of thing?
Camping in India is in nascent stage. There are no camping sites as such and no shower facilities. You would have to use the public washrooms and bathrooms, if they are available nearby.

There are no proper camping rules either or spots.

The small number of people who do camping India are mostly in Uttarakhand district and the Himachal pradesh district, both of which can have pretty inhumane weather, so watch out for it.
I have wondered about this as well. It seems really unfortunate that there are no real designated camping grounds in India. It's such a beautiful place with wonderful landscapes that it would be amazing to be able to camp out and enjoy all that beautiful scenery. I suppose the lack of official camping grounds isn't to much of a problem for travelers especially when you consider that they have some of the most beautiful and luxurious hotels to stay in.
With the climate and weather in India and the mosquitoes that they bring, I would assume that camping would be the last thing on anyone's mind when traveling there. I personally would not even consider it, especially since there aren't even that many official camping sites in the country.
The rules are pretty simple. Camp wherever you want, as long as you aren't on anyone's land. Prepare to rough it. Make sure you are not camping somewhere with any serious wildlife risks. And finally, sleep with mosquito nets around your person. You will not regret it. Have fun!

Camping in India has taken a rise these recent years. Many tourist organisations and agencies offer such an experience of camping in the wild because it's a one-of-a-kind experience. You can even opt for camping tour packages through these agencies. However, not all camps provide the specific amenities you might need.

There are some camping sites in India that offer the tourists some kind of amenities. Here's a few that I know of:

  • Rishikesh. You can camp at the foothill of the Himalayas which is always a nice experience. The tents offered here are made of canvas. Hot meals and tea/coffee are served as well. If you travel along with a group, then you can also make use of the camp games that they offer. Unfortunately, there's no electricity in this camp site, so that's one downside.
  • Neora Valley. The site is located at about 6,000 feet and offers a view of the Kanchenjunga Peak. If you don't like staying in tents, then consider the rooms around the camp site. Home cooked meals are also served here. There's also a nearby market you can visit.
  • Serai Luxury Camp. As you can guess from its name, it's a camp that's a little different than an average one. A standard suite tent is about 1,000 square feet, it has its own bathroom, sink and sleeping area. There's even food, massage and heating if you want those.
  • Kasol. Camp sites here offer beddings as well as food, music and bonfire. It's also easy to access the nearby village from here.
I hope this helps!

That Serai Luxury Camp seems to be a really cool place, I would definitely pay it a visit if I ever go to India, however, I would also like to know where exactly it is located just in case I want to look up for some more information about it later.
I did some research some time back about camping in India and I found out that there are places that you can go to camp, but they are not necessarily designated for that officially and so the amenities might be a problem. I'm glad to hear that there are actually places like Serai Luxury Camp, guess I missed those.
I did some research some time back about camping in India and I found out that there are places that you can go to camp, but they are not necessarily designated for that officially and so the amenities might be a problem. I'm glad to hear that there are actually places like Serai Luxury Camp, guess I missed those.

Well, it's the first time that I hear you can only camp in designated areas. As long as I know, you can camp wherever you want to (I'm talking about the forest and that sort of place) it's more enjoyable and more genuine than camping in a designated place, for sure.
Camping is not popular in India because of lack of awareness and also because we are still wanting in terms of infrastructure and security. We do not have all those facilities that one enjoys in the US, UK, Canada, Other European and Asian Countries and even in Africa. But camping is catching up fast and has already become popular in hills and desert stations. But there's still a long way to go.
Camping is not popular in India because of lack of awareness and also because we are still wanting in terms of infrastructure and security. We do not have all those facilities that one enjoys in the US, UK, Canada, Other European and Asian Countries and even in Africa. But camping is catching up fast and has already become popular in hills and desert stations. But there's still a long way to go.

Hopefully you people get all of those things you need to make your country one of the principal destinations for people to camp in for real. India has a lot of potential which has to be taken advantage of as soon as possible.
Rishikesh and Kasol are the best places if you really want to camp. Of course, you can camp anywhere, but the reason why you want to stay in the most popular places is because tourism is developed in those areas, dangers from wildlife are minimal, and these places usually have something great to do besides just camping in terms of hiking terrains, etc.

Besides the above two destinations, there are quite a few private "farms" where people stay. You'll usually find Nat Geo people living right besides you in some places. For example, Google "shimla farm camping" or "manali farm camping". These are adventure camps where you'll get the whole experience.