Wearing A Bikini On Goa Beaches?


New Member
I have a holiday planned for Goa in July and have been doing my bit of research about India and specifically about Goa. From what I have read India is a reserved type of country but then again some parts like Goa are quite modern. Goa being a beach destination would mean me spending most of my time near the sea and would be soaking in some sun. What I am confused about is whether wearing a bikini is appropriate or not. I need some honest advice from those who have either been to Goa or live in India.
I don't meet your criteria of having been there myself, but from what I have heard, bikinis at Goa are acceptable. There are videos around the internet of girls wearing them there.
I'm sure bikinis are acceptable in Goa. Like Maple said, there are plenty of videos of girls wearing bikinis there, and no repercussions seem to have been made. I think you'll be fine.
Goa seems to me to be a place where the usual cultural rules are not even thought about. The videos kicking around the Internet sound creepy though. In some countries videoing people without permission is illegal, never mind posting the evidence online.
While I agree that Goa is modern and not so strict with the normal cultural rules, I know for a fact that india is a very reserved country and revealing certain parts of the body can seem offensive to people. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying it is against the rules, I am just saying it might look offensive. What I would do, if I were you, is to take my bikini with me and observe the place once I get there. If I see enough people with bikini on, then I will know I am free to use mine. If not, there are so many other conservative bikini as options.
I think deewanna has the right idea. It's not like packing a bikini takes up a ton of space, so bring it with you, but also pack an alternative just in case. I think you'll be fine at Goa, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared for anything.
Goa is the only place in India where a westerner can feel comfortable. Goa was once Portuguese colony and western culture is still evident there. You can wear a bikini in Goa and there is no problem in this. Some beaches in Goa even allow you lie naked.
You are very wise to ask Hayli. When traveling to another country, we must not assume anything. Take it with you and observe others first. Thank make your decision.
Bikinis in Goa are not really banned. You might still want to observe other people though and see whether lots of tourists are wearing bikinis as well. Always be careful especially since you're a foreigner in another country and has less rights than people from there. If you are alone in your vacation, I'd steer clear of too sexy bikinis and maybe bring a one piece, just for safety. Good luck!
I did a bit of checking around and I think you're fine. A lot of photos of videos show women wearing bikinis on the beach. I was also wondering this. Glad you've ask this question.
A friend of mine has moved to Goa a few months back and based on what she has told me about the culture there, Goa is quite modern and you can wear bikinis there. But still to be on the safer side, you should carry a one-piece swimsuit along. Check out the place yourself and then decide.
Bikinis are fine on Goa's beaches but make sure that they are not overly revealing. It is better to go out on the beach in groups since being alone may attract unwarranted attention which can be easily avoided. Being part of a group also makes it very enjoyable.
I have been to Goa three times and I did not even take a bikini with me on my first trip thinking there won't be any Indian girls wearing bikinis but I saw some Indian girls wearing bikinis so wore mine on my second and third trip.

If you are from abroad (read white) you would find hundreds of girls lying around in their bikinis and some even taking their top off to get a tan on their backs. If there was a problem with that I would have noticed as I was there for three weeks and there is no problem in wearing a bikini on Goa beaches.
There are no laws against wearing a bikini on a beach in Goa or anywhere in South India (North India does not have beaches). You will see plenty of girls wearing bikinis and that is not going to change. When you hear some politician saying stuff about dress code on beaches or banning bikinis and stuff like that, they are talking through their arse. It is not going to happen. India is not a dictatorship, its a very well functioning democracy and what to wear is an individual choice. Having said that, we also have freedom of speech and anyone is allowed to say what they feel like so if a member of parliament wants to say that he doesn't like women wearing bikinis in Goa then he can say that but it does not mean he can tell others what to do and what not to do.

India is opening up to tourists in a big way and tourists are welcome and so are bikini clad girls. As long as you are "wearing" a bikini you are good.

If some one wants to ban bikinis in India I would say he or she is a "chutiya" of the highest degree. It is not going to happen, not in my life time and trust me I am not going to die any time soon ;)
I think the problem is that people see India as being a very reserved and spiritual country, and so people automatically start to worry that they're going to be frowned upon when doing or wearing certain things.

As with any country, maybe 20 or 30 years ago then times were different and tourist industry wasn't as big as it is now, so maybe you did have to be wary of certain places and people's reactions.

While it's obviously still advisable to check the culture of anywhere before you go, I think people will be surprised at how relaxed places are and you're not going to be lambasted or banned from a beach for not being fully covered for example anywhere these days.
You can wear a bikini in Goa without any problem at all. It is one of the best places to enjoy the beaches. My sister went to Goa last month and she said me all the stories about the beaches and the casinos of Goa. She also said that enjoyed the sunshine at the beach wearing a bikini. Well, it is acceptable to wear a bikini at the beaches of Goa.
Goa is a big tourist location and plenty of people can be seen dressed that way on the beaches. I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you. Though India is a more modest country in terms of how locals dress, they have adapted to tourists.
You should have no trouble wearing a bikini in Goa. It is a very tourist friendly location, and I have even seen people in bikinis at the beach side cafes. Mind you, tourists should still respect dress codes, but much of the area is laid back.
I some how missed this thread and only found out today, I have been getting messages through the contact us form from people who want to know for sure if they are allowed to wear bikinis on Goa beaches. I wonder why some one would have such a question and I searched on Google to find some ministers stupid comments about banning bikinis in Goa so I can understand people's concerns but you have to understand that Goa is all about beaches and partying and bikinis have never been a problem.

Here is a picture of a shop selling bikinis on Baga road :

Bikini shop in Goa baga.jpg

If bikinis were not allowed why would there be any shops selling bikinis ;)

Here is a picture from one of the beaches at Goa for you to see that wearing a bikini is fine at Goa :

Girls in Bikini at Goa beach.jpg

I hope this helps put some confusion to rest :)
I have been to Goa and I was not the only one wearing a bikini. Never had a problem in my month long stay at Goa. Local girls can mostly be seen with their shirts on but they do wear shorts and I would say one out of 20 would wear a bikini as well, the reason I believe is they are not there on the beach to get a tan but to have some fun in the ocean and play in the sand. Girls in India like lighter skin from what I have experienced so they would obviously keep covered up won't they? There is also a bit of cultural thing with showing cleavage. All of this but being a tourist I have never had a problem myself.