Yes! I do. Love preparing for a trip almost as much as the trip itself
Here's my checklist for a week's worth of travel:
1. Phone, phone charger, either loaded with sim/data or armed with some info about where to purchase it once I get to my destination, if international.
2. Notebook with phone numbers, addresses of hotels etc. This is in addition to having the info on my phone. Pen.
3. Camera, battery/charger
4. Credit and debit cards. I call my bank ahead and make sure they work in the country I will be travelling to, if going international.
5. Identity card. Usually pan card, office id if travelling in India, passport if travelling outside the country
Usually carry all of this in a backpack/handbag.
1. Good pair of shoes for walking. 5-6 pairs of socks.
2. Clothes: I prefer T-shirts and jeans/shorts depending on the weather. 2 pairs of pants, 5-6 shirts, I mix and match.
3. A light jacket if essential.
4. Bathing costume if visiting anywhere with a water body
5. Night pants. Can wear with the same t-shirt worn during the day, and thus save space.
6. Umbrella
7. One dress, in case of a fine dining opportunity (you never know!)
8. A few snack bars
Usually this fits into a small night case that I don't need to check in on flights. Saves time!
I also check for the local emergency numbers, address of the nearest hospitals / police stations etc.
I have never carried a first aid box along. Only a few key medicines. Seems like a no-brainer now. Thanks for the suggestion!