What Are Your Must-haves For A Trip?

Some of my trip must haves are my passport, copies of my credit cards and print outs of my itineraries and tickets! I keep originals and I keep copies at all times! I like to be prepared and over prepared when it comes to travel! I also need a good sunblock, sturdy water bottle and comfortable shoes! I like to take a clothing line with me too in case I have to hand wash some of my clothes in a hotel.
Ah I forgot! I always take a role of duct tape with me when I am traveling ever. I have had my case break far too many times and duct tape is great for holding it back together. Its also super useful for blisters and other foot injuries.
I have to disagree with all those who say a smartphone is a must for travel, you're better off without one.

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It's always a great idea to have such a must have list. I usually take the basic as everyone does like my cell phone, credit cards and cash. I take my ID also and my passport is always secure. I usually also write a contact list of as many persons or hotels in the area I'm traveling to. I traveled out of the US once and my phone got lost. It wasn't easy calling someone in US who had to call someone else in Belize to give me some assistance. If I had that number written down it would have saved me a lot of crucial time. I also keep a bag of toiletries handy with soaps and toothbrush, toothpaste - that sorta thing.
Some of my must have items for any trip are small durable foods such as cereal bars, sweets and other things, but a map is a must, and also taking a Swiss army knife can be a good idea, which I have found to have been really useful for many things. If taking cash, I place it in a small compact place in my bag, a cell phone can be a good idea, but cannot be 100% reliable as battery might run out, hence why I use maps. In addition I do take some pills for headaches and other problems I may encounter, and a durable bottle for refills whenever I can.
Here are my must-have items for a trip:

1. Clothes - It's very important to plan your outfits ahead of time considering the weather and climate in a particular country.
2. First Aid Kit - Enough said! Includes medicines for headaches and pains!
3. Camera - So you can take your memories with a camera.
4. Cellphone - Nowadays, cellphones can be very crucial in a trip. You can communicate with others through it. You can even find your destinations with it. Don't forget the chargers! If you have portable chargers, better!
5. Toiletries - Hotels have their free toiletries but nothing beats having your own stuff. You might be allergic to what the hotel has.
6. Extra blanket - I'm very easy to get cold especially with hotel room aircon. So I always bring my extra blanket with me, it also helps when you are in the airplane.
7. Money, Credit Cards, Other Documents
8. Water Jug - I just fill it with water so that I won't have to keep buying water in plastic bottles.

These are my essentials. I'll add more when I remember something to add!:)
Some may think this is a bit too big, but here's my checklist:

  • My "necessary" - that's what we call a bag with all the toiletries
  • ID, cash, credit cards, passport
  • First aid kit
  • My phone and laptop plus the external hard drive to store the pictures and videos
  • Tourist guides and maps, usually in PDF and stored on my phone
  • A separate phone that can last weeks on battery, to be used in emergency situations
  • My Swiss knife

I couldn't IMAGINE leaving my phone behind, like some of you do. I need it to stay in touch with family and friends, to stay updated with the news (especially of the place I'm at currently) and for navigation. It's number one priority to me.
When I travel I usually only tend to take the bare essentials with me because more often than not m, anything else you need cabmn be picked up when you get there.

With advances in technology and transport, the world is a lot smaller place these days, and many things are now available all over the world and are no longer specific hysteria to one region.

Very true. It is one of main benefits of globalization , though it has many side effects. You can shop for anything worldwide, offline or online. Earlier people who visit foreign countries use to bring a lot of foreign items here, but nowadays nobody cares as the same materials are available here in India by paying a little more. You can also avoid the hassle of carrying it all the way.

Yes, you are right world is shrinking quite rapidly with the advent of globalization and modern technologies.
I think when people first started travelling abroad for their holidays they used to be taking alsorts with them, and even I can remember my father packing tea bags in the suit case! Tea bags though, as if no other country in the world drinks tea!
I have to disagree with all those who say a smartphone is a must for travel, you're better off without one.

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Any particular reason why you think people are better off without them? Just curious. I've always thought that everyone would categorize phones as something that is an absolute, absolute must for travels. The thought of being stuck or lost in a foreign country absolutely terrifies me, especially since I like to travel alone or separate from the person I'm going on vacation with.
I must admit I'm curious also to know why people wouldn't want to take their phone with them aswell. I don't go to our local corner shop without taking mine, so I would certainly be lost if I didn't have it when I was travelling!
For me personally a smartphone is a distraction when on a tour, also without having one I reached out to people when looking for help and made new friends. I look forward to such interactions.
I am a type of person that really doesn't bring much stuff on his trips, and usually buys all of it in the country im traveling. But, that's not very economical so I recommend that you bring most of this stuff i mention.

First of all, you need your proper papers so you can actually travel. After that. of course comes money and clothes(including underwear). ! I usually don't bring much clothes, but you should most definatly bring as much as you can take with you! You need a medicine kit, and any kind of medicine you need. I also tend to bring my own hygiene stuff, but you can use the ones from hotel too. Some electronic devices, at least a phone (or possibly a laptop or a tablet if you have one) and your chargers of course. You could also take some snacks with you and water.
Yes! I do. Love preparing for a trip almost as much as the trip itself ;)

Here's my checklist for a week's worth of travel:

1. Phone, phone charger, either loaded with sim/data or armed with some info about where to purchase it once I get to my destination, if international.
2. Notebook with phone numbers, addresses of hotels etc. This is in addition to having the info on my phone. Pen.
3. Camera, battery/charger
4. Credit and debit cards. I call my bank ahead and make sure they work in the country I will be travelling to, if going international.
5. Identity card. Usually pan card, office id if travelling in India, passport if travelling outside the country

Usually carry all of this in a backpack/handbag.

1. Good pair of shoes for walking. 5-6 pairs of socks.
2. Clothes: I prefer T-shirts and jeans/shorts depending on the weather. 2 pairs of pants, 5-6 shirts, I mix and match.
3. A light jacket if essential.
4. Bathing costume if visiting anywhere with a water body
5. Night pants. Can wear with the same t-shirt worn during the day, and thus save space.
6. Umbrella
7. One dress, in case of a fine dining opportunity (you never know!)
8. A few snack bars

Usually this fits into a small night case that I don't need to check in on flights. Saves time!

I also check for the local emergency numbers, address of the nearest hospitals / police stations etc.

I have never carried a first aid box along. Only a few key medicines. Seems like a no-brainer now. Thanks for the suggestion!

You are very organized. I do pretty much the same thing except I usually end up with checked bags because I tend to over pack.
If it's an unplanned one or two day trip, then water bottle, phone, charger, wallet and a scarf, also vegetables or fruit to sack on. I really like to take one day hikes around my town, spontaneously.
I would have to have clothes of course and bath supplies. Also make up and wallet and phone. Would have to have phone chargers, camera and batteries or battery charger. I would also have to have my medicine and body sprays and suck. I'm sure there are more but that is a few things I would have to have.
I like travelling but i am not so sure about planning in a detailed way. I mean, every day at home is planned. Get up at 6, take a shower, eat, dress, go to work, work what they tell you...You get the picture. I really like to just go and feel free. What i really need is money, plastic would be preferable. I would also need some medicaments just in case i get fever or some bad bowel movement. Here that is not too expensive but i am not sure for other countries so i wouldn't want to risk my holliday. Some other stuff would be a good partner in crime to come along and the rest would get in the place by itself.
My must-haves for any trip that I take are:

1. Cell phone and charger with Google maps activated; I get lost inside of a paper bag
2. Lip gloss and tinted lip pencils to apply after every meal and snack
3. Bodycology body scrub
4. My bank cards to make all necessary purchases and the unnecessary ones too :-)
5. Camcorder to capture the adventure on film
6. Two large bags of peanut M & M's
7. Laptop computer and a mean set of comfortable ear buds

I absolutely have to also create a to-do list to be certain that everything that's everything considered has been packed and is ready to go. I have to keep the M & M's handy to nibble on as I hum down the highway to the airport, bus station or to my destination. If I'm not driving then I pull out the lap top and write or create stories. Without my must-haves it would be one dull and tedious journey.
I always like to make a list. First on it is always foods. I cannot leave home for a trip without a few snacks towed away in my bag. I must have my cell phone and extra money or ways to get extra money like my card.