What Are Your Must-haves For A Trip?

Depends on a trip or a journey. For the latter I gotta have more stuff.

If I'm just gonna visit another city, I'm not a huge fan of heavy & overloaded backpacks. For the recent short Moscow trip I filled my backpack with the following:

1. Phones. New one and old one. With a charger, of course
2. 3 pieces of underwear
3. 3 t-shirts
4. A pair of shorts
5. A shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrush, razor

A quick tip: If you go to another city, make sure you've downloaded its mapes into your mobile device. Offline access is even more valuble. Because you can't always rely on wi-fi.
Must haves for me would be a phone with a camera and google maps, credit card, several changes of clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, shower soap, and antibacterial hand soap.
My must have items when traveling are

1) My cell phone. Pretty self explanatory here a cell phone has many uses from making important calls and keeping in touch with your loved ones while I travel to keeping me entertained while waiting to board on the plane and during flight.

2)laptop computer. Having a computer allows me to do pretty much anything a cell phone would do but much more.

3) battery pack. With a battery pack I can keep my device charged in the go.

4)A backpack. This pretty much allows me to carry anything i need without struggling physically to juggle everything in my hands. I prefer a backpack that is all around and outdoor just in case I need to explore rugged terrain.
Since I love my electronic devices, I won't hesitate taking most of them with me. I will definitely take my phone with me, my laptop that happens to be my best friend at the same time, and my camera! I need my phone because, well... Who doesn't? I must take my laptop with me because I can't live without it, I have everything on it and I will need to keep track of everything on it, if I run out of memory on my camera, my laptop is there to help me and store all the pics from my memory card. And since we I am going on a trip, I will need to take pictures that will last forever, I will for sure keep my camera with me my whole day and try my best to put the life of the area I am at in the pictures that I take! I might even take a video camera with me and make a short movie on my trip that summarizes everything I did! And just like any other human, I need to take some clothes and some money!
I'm with you here electronic devices and gadgets are a must have. My phone mostly and a good camera although most phones these days have really good built in camera. Another thing I like to take with me is my Bluetooth wireless beats by Dre headphones with me. Music is a must especially if I'm traveling by myself. Lastly probably my laptop.
My must have items when traveling are

1) My cell phone. Pretty self explanatory here a cell phone has many uses from making important calls and keeping in touch with your loved ones while I travel to keeping me entertained while waiting to board on the plane and during flight.

2)laptop computer. Having a computer allows me to do pretty much anything a cell phone would do but much more.

3) battery pack. With a battery pack I can keep my device charged in the go.

4)A backpack. This pretty much allows me to carry anything i need without struggling physically to juggle everything in my hands. I prefer a backpack that is all around and outdoor just in case I need to explore rugged terrain.
I compiled a list of other items that in would take with me.

Traveling anywhere takes away the comforts of home so when I travel i would like to be as comfortable as possible. Here are some things to bring with you to make you feel comfortable.

1)A small traveling pillow. What makes you feel more at home and comfortable than a pillow. Personally I bring those pillows that wrap around your neck. These are adequate enough.

2)A small tube of toothpaste. Just because you're traveling and away from home doesn't mean you have to neglect your personal hygiene. Keeping up with your hygiene during travel make you feel more human and more clean and upbeat

3)A journal or diary. Keeping a written track of your travel adventures not only keeps you busy but it also will allow you to go over your travels after its all said and done and reminisce about your experiences.
I always like to make a list. First on it is always foods. I cannot leave home for a trip without a few snacks towed away in my bag. I must have my cell phone and extra money or ways to get extra money like my card.
Another thing I forgot to add to my list which I forgot to add to my list is a small first aid kit that is ideal for traveling. You never known if you may need one especially traveling to somewhere remote and exotic like thailand where the nearest hospitals can be far from you.
My must-haves for any trip that I take are:

1. Cell phone and charger with Google maps activated; I get lost inside of a paper bag
2. Lip gloss and tinted lip pencils to apply after every meal and snack
3. Bodycology body scrub
4. My bank cards to make all necessary purchases and the unnecessary ones too :)
5. Camcorder to capture the adventure on film
6. Two large bags of peanut M & M's
7. Laptop computer and a mean set of comfortable ear buds

I absolutely have to also create a to-do list to be certain that everything that's everything considered has been packed and is ready to go. I have to keep the M & M's handy to nibble on as I hum down the highway to the airport, bus station or to my destination. If I'm not driving then I pull out the lap top and write or create stories. Without my must-haves it would be one dull and tedious journey.
I like the two large bags of peanut m&ms lol. There's nothing like having a good snack to munch on during travels.I remember taking grey hound cross country and every time we would stop at a resting place or somewhere i would get off and buy snacks to take with me.
Ah I forgot! I always take a role of duct tape with me when I am traveling ever. I have had my case break far too many times and duct tape is great for holding it back together. Its also super useful for blisters and other foot injuries.
This is a good useful tip I've never thought of myself. I know duct tape has its many uses but I've never actually thought about taking some with me while a travel. Thanks for the suggestion!
I have a long list of what to bring during a trip. I tend to be quite an OC when it comes to these stuffs. It might help you guys as well. AS for the list, here's mine:

 Plane ticket
 Passport
 Hotel Confirmation
 Credit Card
 Valid ID
 Slippers
 Shorts
 Dress
 Top
 Bra
 Undies
 Pambahay
 Sunnies
 Watch
 Jewelry
 Hanky
 Medicine kit
 Water
 Snacks for airport
 Padlock for bag
 Ziplocks
 Phone charger
 Camera chargers
 Digicam
 GoPro
 Card reader
 Charge cameras
 Power bank
 Universal charger
 Travel Expense Notebook
 Friction pen
 Shampoo
 Soap
 Sunblock
 Lotion
 Moisturizer
 Cologne
 Deodorant
 Toothbrush
 Toothpaste
 Mouthwash
 Facial wash
 Toner
 Cotton
 Cotton buds
 Napkin
 Sling bag
 Alcohol
 Wet wipes
 Comb
 Ponytail
 Sarong
 Cardigan
 Pashmina
 Snorkle
 Aqua shoes
 Eco bag
 Make up
 Eye mask
 Swimsuit
 Cover-up
 Health card
 Plastic (wet clothes)
One has to plan it pretty well ahead, before the adventurous travel.
I would never go on a trip without the essentials, like my papers, visas, passport; my cell phone, maps, swimming suit (depending where I am heading, though), a scarf, some jacket (since the weather can easily change, and it is important to have something warm), if not a jacket, then some kind of warmer cardigan, tools for personal hygiene, thought I can always buy a toothbrush or a toothpaste in some other country, money of course, cards, too; additional pair of sneakers, since I love walking and those get ruined quickly for me at least, some lighter clothes, and make-up.
I prefer when going on a trip to take the least amount of items possible, if any. I will make sure I have enough money and clothes but that's about it. I like to take in the different energy of being in a new place and I just can't do that while having non-essential items with me. If you really want to enjoy your trip it is important to not bring your phone, but maybe a camera would be useful at times. Again, it's hard to be involved with what your doing when you want to take pictures and do other things.