What not to wear in India

First off, everything depends on the weather when it comes to clothing. Check the forecast before getting your bags packed. Don't wear anything that would make you feel uncomfortable. Chances are, this will affect your journey impressions.
Wear approiate clothing depending on the weather. It all goes down what time your visiting India. There are monsoons in India so make you're bring a raincoat. Overall dress approiate because the culture in India is very conservative.
Dress code in India depends on where you're traveling to and even then the times have changed so much that in most areas you're more likely to wear almost anything you want. However in some sacred places when you visit it's better for you to cover up and you are required to wear a cover over your sandals or shoes.
My best advice is to dress comfortably according to how you feel. For me when I travel I'm most comfortable in jeans a shirt coupled with a hat. I even wear sports outfit maybe a sporty shirt with shorts and some good running shoes. If you're not comfortable in the way you dress there goes half of your day.
No matter what you wear, people will always stare at you. You are after all a foreigner and they can see that from miles away. From the way you walk, dress, to the way you behave and act. You should make sure you cover yourself, not completely, but in a normal way, do not show cleavage, or naked legs. I think a pair of trousers and a top with long sleeves will be ok. And yes, a scarf, too.
When I took a trip to Delhi, I was completely fine with a t shirt and a pair of shorts. Nobody really gave me any funny looks. Make sure that you're not too revealing. That's really what gets you stared at.