Recent content by PrincessTigerLily

  1. PrincessTigerLily

    Low Calorie Choices

    For low calorie Indian foods, the easiest way to cut calories is to cut the rice. Ask for curries/kormas with lean meat like chicken and bulked out with veggies. Instead of eating them over rice, just eat the main dish with the meat/veg and sauce. You could also order a side vegetable and pour...
  2. PrincessTigerLily

    What are the best places to visit in Arunachal Pradesh?

    Bordering Bhutan, Burma and China, as you probably know, Arunachal Pradesh is the north eastern most state in India and offers some unique landscape, historic sites, and tourist attractions. In addition to those mentioned by Nexplore (and more specific) you may also want to consider these...
  3. PrincessTigerLily

    Cheap Honeymoon Packages in India

    I believe it would work out a lot cheaper to just take a volvo bus to Manali which is an over night journey and book a hotel that suits your budget using a hotel booking site like or any other. Booking everything yourself gives you the freedom of mixing and matching things as opposed...
  4. PrincessTigerLily

    Recommendations for live music?

    Do you have recommendations for live music in India? Would you go and see an Indian rock band or something more traditional? How easy is to go to a ticketed concert, for instance, versus a street performance type thing? Any recommendations on your favorite kind of Indian music, especially if...
  5. PrincessTigerLily

    What do those of you who haven't been to India imagine it to be like?

    I imagine India as two different scenes -- One is a busy city, full of the hubbub of shopping, commuting, etc. Buses, bicycles, people on foot. Lots of noise! People shouting in languages I don't understand. Crowding. This part actually makes me nervous. The other scene that I imagine are lush...
  6. PrincessTigerLily

    What big game do they have in India?

    Another thread talked about safaris and how you may or may not actually see many animals while on one. India is, however, home to many fascinating wild creatures that I would consider myself very lucky to see. Here are just a few of them: 1. Tigers The Bengal tiger is actually India's...
  7. PrincessTigerLily

    Traveling light--are there laundromats?

    Whenever I travel, I like to pack light. I will take as little as I can get away with so that I can get around quickly and efficiently. As a result, whenever I traveled in the US or Europe, sometimes I would go to a laundromat to wash clothes if I did not know someone in the area who could let...
  8. PrincessTigerLily

    Volunteer with elephants?

    Has anyone done the program to volunteer with elephants in Amber Fort? It costs $180 a week (you are paying for "project fees") but you get to stay with a local Indian family during that time and they provide you with three meals a day. When you work with the elephants, apparently you do so...
  9. PrincessTigerLily

    How do Indians drink their tea?

    I am wondering how Indians drink their tea. I know they drink a lot of it, and they are the world's second largest producer/exporter of tea. I enjoy tea now and then, as a change to my coffee, and I usually drink it the way that British people do--with milk added to it. (But I don't usually...
  10. PrincessTigerLily

    The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway / Toy Train

    This was mentioned by a Jeopardy contestant today! She told a story about how she was traveling on the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, nicknamed the "toy train," and it actually partially derailed and all of the passengers had to climb down an embankment to a nearby village in order to wait for a...
  11. PrincessTigerLily

    What first inspired you to travel to India?

    @rootle, it was actually an Indian version of the American TV show. It was started in 2012, and I'm not sure if it's actually still running. There may have only been one season, but I am not sure. It was available to watch on Star Plus in the US for some time. I got into it in between seasons of...
  12. PrincessTigerLily

    Indian Coffee Chains?

    I need my morning coffee too, and I hadn't thought of this until I saw this post. Costa Coffee exists in India?! This is good news. I don't think we have those in the US, but I remember them fondly from my time spent studying in England. I much preferred them to Starbucks. Even in the US, I do...
  13. PrincessTigerLily

    Best veg restaurants in Bangalore

    I am wondering about vegetarian restaurants in India in general myself. I am wondering if it's even feasible to eat vegetarian the entire time that I am there. I used to eat meat, so going back for a little while would not be a huge travesty to me, especially if it meant having a better and more...
  14. PrincessTigerLily

    Live theater suggestions

    Does anyone have suggestions for live theater? I love to see plays, but would also be interested in theater or other performances, such as at festivals. I don't speak any of the local languages, though, so for theater, I was wondering if there are playhouses where any plays are performed in...
  15. PrincessTigerLily

    Understanding Camping In India

    I was wondering about what @dane said as well. @calicer1996 or @Chahal do either of you have any thoughts or answers on the question of just putting up a tent somewhere that is not a designated area? People in the US can do this, and often times if it is an open field area, no one minds too...